※ Please note that the results of TOPIK exam have nothing to do with the EPS.
এই TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) পরীক্ষা এবং EPS TOPIK পরীক্ষা সম্পুর্নভিন্ন। অনুগ্রহ করে মনে রাখবেন এই TOPIK পরীক্ষার ফলাফলের সাথে EPS এর কোন সম্পর্কনেই।ইহা শুধুমাত্র একটি কোরিয়ান ভাষার দক্ষতা পরীক্ষা যা উচ্চ নম্বর নিয়ে পরীক্ষায়উত্তীর্ণ হওয়ার পরও কোরিয়ায় যাওয়ার নিশ্চয়তা দেয় না।
1. Date of the 87th Exam : 08 April (Sat), 2023
2. Expected Place of the Exam : Independent University Bangladesh (IUB)
※ The Place will be changeable with advance notice.
All applicants are requested to check the final exam place and their own Registration number during 1-8 April 2023 at Embassy's website.
3. Time table
ㅇ TOPIK I (1~2 Grade)
▶ First Session (Listening/Reading) 09:10-11:20
ㅇ TOPIK II (3~6 Grade)
▶ First Session (Listening/Writing) 12:20-14:40
▶ Second Session (Reading) 15:00-16:20
4. Application procedure
1) Application
ㅇ Download the attached Application Form.
ㅇ Once the application is completed, all applicants are requested to submit the form by visiting to the embassy.
▶ Submit the Application form attached, NID card or Passport, 1 Copy of NID card or Passport, 2 photos(Passport size) and fee.
2) Application period
▶ 19(Thu)-21(Sat) Jan 2023, (10AM-4PM), First-come-first-serve basis
※ Open for Applicants during Fri, Saturday also.
3) Test fees (Only cash)
ㅇ TOPIK I (1~2 Grade) : BDT 2,000
ㅇ TOPIK II (3~6 Grade) : BDT 3,000
5. Address to visit
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Bangladesh, 4 Madani Avene Baridhara Dhaka-1212
6. The expected next TOPIK(90th) will be on 14 Oct (Sat) 2023. The Announcement/Application will be on July 2023 at Embassy's Website.
6. For more inquiry, Contact topikbangladesh@gmail.com
Good luck to all TOPIK applicants!