Crimial(Investigation) Record Check Report
The Korean National Police Agency issues “ Criminal(Investigation) Record Check Report” for foreign nationals who have previously lived in the Republic of Korea and have requested it through the procedure described below.
Important note: The applicant must visit the Korean Consulate in person. Mailed applications will not be accepted.
Office hours: 9:00 – 11:30, 13:00 – 16:00
Processing time: 1 to 2 weeks.
Required Documents
1. Crimial(Investigation) Record Check Report application .
2. A passport type color photo on a white background that measures 3.5cm x 4.5cm taken in the last six months, date stamped on the back by the photographer.
-Please do not attache the picture, the officer checks your picture before attache on your application.
3. A valid passport - Original and one (1) photocopy.
a. For non-Canadian citizens only: Permanent resident card or Canadian visa or permit – Original and one (1) photocopy.
4. A copy of your Foreign Registration Card or a copy of your Korean visa (if possible)
5. Prepaid Xpresspost Envelope from Canada post
a. Please note this is required if you wish to obtain the results via mail
How to Apply
1. Application for Criminal(Investigation) Record Chekc Report. Apply in person at a Korean Consulate. The information on the application must be legible.
a. The Consulate is only able to accept applications in person. If you are unable to apply in person, please contact the Korean National Police Agency* directly to apply. Please note this process takes at least 30 days.
Online Reservation: Family Registration & Certificate | Korean Consulate (
2. Present the required documents at a Korean consulate.
3. After the consulate receives your application, your Criminal(Investigation) Record Chekc Report will be completed in approximately 2 weeks. A pick up slip will be issued that shows when the certificate will be ready for pick up.
* Korean National Police Agency
Sinwonban, Foreign Affairs and Planning Division
97 Tongil-ro, Seodaemun-gu, 120-704
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Overseas tel: +82-2 3150-2675
in Korea, tel: 182