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Ministry News

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Meets with EU Ambassador-Designate to ROK Castillo Fernandez


1. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Jong Kun met with Ambassador-Designate of the European Union (EU) to the Republic of Korea Maria Castillo Fernandez (hereinafter Ambassador) on the morning of October 15 at the latter’s request, and exchanged views on issues of mutual interest, including the ROK-EU relations and the selection of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General.


2. Vice Minister Choi and Ambassador Castillo Fernandez noted with appreciation that the ROK and the EU, sharing universal values, have steadily enhanced cooperation in a range of areas, including political, economic and security affairs, and agreed to continue close communication at various levels even amid COVID-19.


o In particular, Vice Minister Choi, noting that the ROK-EU virtual summit held on June 30 has created a momentum for expanding bilateral cooperation, expressed hope that the two sides would expand high-level exchanges in a wider range of areas, including transportation, economic and trade affairs, and climate, and thereby continue to advance the ROK-EU strategic partnership.


o Ambassador Castillo Fernandez said that the EU’s interest in strengthening cooperation with the ROK is greater than ever, and hoped to continue to expand cooperation based on solid institutional foundations, including the ROK-EU Framework Agreement and Free Trade Agreement (FTA). She particularly looked forward to deepening cooperation on security issues, including crisis management and cybersecurity.


3. Ambassador Castillo Fernandez expressed concern over the resurgence of COVID-19 in Europe and praised the ROK’s COVID-19 response. Vice Minister Choi hoped that the ROK and the EU would continue to contribute together to international efforts to ensure a fair distribution of vaccines through the COVAX Facility as well as the development of vaccines.


4. Meanwhile, the two sides agreed that the ROK and the EU need to closely work together on global stage based on shared views on such issues as the strengthening of multilateralism including WTO, and response to climate change. Ambassador Castillo Fernandez commended the ROK for taking the lead in efforts to resolve various global issues as the leader of the region.


o Vice Minister Choi asked for the EU’s interest and active participation in the “Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G) Summit” to be held in the ROK next year, and Ambassador Castillo Fernandez suggested that the two sides closely cooperate for the successful holding of the P4G, so that it would contribute to the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


o In addition, Vice Minister Choi asked for support for Trade Minister Yoo Myung-hee, who has advanced to the final round of the selection process for the WTO Director-General. Ambassador Castillo Fernandez highly recognized Minister Yoo’s capacities and wished for the best at the final round.


5. Furthermore, the two sides shared the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and agreed to continue to closely communicate on regional affairs, including the Korean Peninsula.


o Ambassador Castillo Fernandez reaffirmed the EU’s support for President Moon’s efforts for establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula, and said that the EU will continue efforts to play necessary roles and make contributions.