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Press Releases

Results of the WTO General Council Special Meeting on the New Round of WTO Negotiations


1. The WTO General Council Special Meeting was held on June 25 and 26, 2001. High-level officials from 
member countries attended the Meeting to discuss launching the New Round of Negotiations at the fourth 
WTO Ministerial Meeting, which will be held from November 9 to 13, 2001. Mr. Choi Hyuck, Korea’s Deputy 
Minister for Trade, attended this Meeting. 

2. Most member countries shared the view that the New Round should be launched at the Doha Ministerial 
Meeting. The US and the EU stated that launching the New Round is their common strategic goal. 

3. Regarding the agenda for the New Round, the US changed its initial position, which was focused on 
market access, to favor a broader and -balanced- agenda including investment and competition policy and 
the implementation of the Uruguay Round Agreements. This flexible position increases the possibility of 
reaching an agreement on the agenda. 

4. As part of the efforts to launch the New Round, developing countries refrained from insisting their position 
that the implementation issues must be resolved before launching the New Round. Considering these 
situations, it appears that member countries are on the way of making a consensus for launching the New 

5. However, although most countries emphasized the need for flexibility on the agenda, countries are trying 
to maintain their initial position because main consultations on the agenda have not yet taken place, 
Regarding this, consultations on the scope of the agenda will continue. 

6. Based on the results of this Meeting, various consultations to launch the New Round at the fourth 
Ministerial meeting will take place. Regarding this, there is a possibility of holding an additional Meeting of 
similar form at the end of July or an unofficial Ministerial meeting before the Doha Ministerial Meeting. 

                                                             Spokesperson of MOFAT

* unofficial translation