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Press Releases

Minister Meets President of the 62nd Session of the UN General Assembly


1. Minister Song Min-soon, who is currently in New York to attend the 62nd Session of the UN General 
Assembly, met with President of the General Assembly, Srgjan Kerim (Macedonia) on September 26, for 
discussions on various issues of mutual interest including the second inter-Korean Summit, reform of the 
UN Security Council and the Millenium Development Goals.

2. Minister Song explained that the upcoming inter-Korean Summit, which is slated for October 2 to 4, will 
make significant contributions to the establishment of a peace regime and denuclearization of the Korean 
Peninsula as well as promotion of economic cooperation between the South and the North.  President 
Kerim said that he will provide all possible support and cooperation, including the announcement of a 
statement by the President of the General Assembly welcoming the historic inter-Korean Summit.

3. Minister Song hoped that this session of the General Assembly, under the leadership of President 
Kerim, would reap fruitful results in UN reform, efforts to achieve the Millenium Development Goals, 
international cooperation against terrorism as well as various other issues on the agenda.  He stressed 
that the Security Council must be reformed in a way that promotes democracy, transparency and 
effectiveness, and explained that the ROK can not support the expansion of permanent membership of 
the Security Council because it would hinder the effectiveness of the Security Council.

4. President Kerim expressed his anticipation for the ROK's contributions to the Millenium Development 
Goals, as a country with great achievements in economic development and democratization, and asked 
for its active participation in the High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development in the UN between 
October 22 and 23.  Minister Song assured that the ROK will play a bridging role between advanced 
countries and developing countries based on its experiences in economic development of the last 40 
years, and share its experiences with developing countries in the areas where it has relatively more 
experiences such as human resource development.  He also explained the ROK's efforts to increase its 
ODA such as the recent introduction of the Air-ticket Solidarity Contribution.

5. Minister Song noted that the ROK dispatched 350 troops to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), 
and mentioned that the ROK will further enhance its contributions to the efforts to maintain global peace 
and security.

                                                      Spokesperson of MOFAT

*unofficial translation