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Press Releases

Former Ambassador to the UN Kim Sam-hoon Elected Chairman of the ASEF Board of Governors


1. Kim Sam-hoon, former Korean ambassador to the UN currently serving as Vice-Chairman of the 
ASEF (Asia-Europe Foundation) Board of Governors, was elected its Chairman for 2010 at its 24th 
board meeting held in Singapore on November 24-25.

2. ASEF is a permanent non-profit organization established in 1997 to promote mutual understanding 
among the 45 ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) member states through academic, cultural and people-to-
people exchanges. The Chairman of the ASEF Board of Governors, its highest consultative body that 
approves major projects and budget, acts as the coordinator among the member states with regard 
to the Foundation’s key projects.

3. The election of Ambassador Kim Sam-hoon as next year’s Chairman of the ASEF Board of Governors 
as well as Korea’s appointment as the ASEM coordinator for the Northeast Asian countries for the same 
period are expected to serve as an opportunity for Korea’s diplomacy vis-à-vis ASEM to strengthen even 

                                 Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation