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Press Releases

Holding of the First APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting in 2010


1. The First APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) in 2010 will be held from February 22nd 
to 23rd in Hiroshima, Japan.

 ※ Along with the SOM, working group meetings will be held from February 23 to March 7 
    for major committees, including the Steering Committee on ECOTECH (SCE), Committee 
    on Trade and Investment (CTI) and Economic Committee (EC), as well as affiliated 
    organizations, including the Investment Expert’s Group (IEG), Market Access Group (MAG)
    and Group on Services (GOS)

2. Deputy Minister for Trade, Ho-young Ahn will head the Korean delegation, which will 
comprise officials from government organizations, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
and Trade (MOFAT), the Ministry of Strategy and Finance (MOSF), the Ministry of Education, 
Science and Technology (MEST), the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), the Ministry of Knowledge 
and Economy (MKE) and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS), and 
various experts from institutions such as the Korea Institute for International Economic 
Policy (KIEP).

3. At the SOM, the representatives of the 21 APEC member economies will discuss 
△ assessment of the achievement of the APEC Bogor Goals, △ ways to accelerate 
regional economic integration, △ new growth strategies and △ human security. 

ㅇ The ‘2010 Report on Progressing towards the APEC Bogor Goals,’ which were set up 
    by the APEC leaders in 1994 in Bogor, Indonesia to promote trade and investment 
    liberalization in the region, will be presented at the APEC Summit Meeting held from 
    November 13th to 14th in Yokohama, Japan.

ㅇ Also discussed at the meeting will be specific ways to carry out the new growth 
    strategies for inclusive growth, balanced growth, knowledge-based growth and 
    sustainable growth for steady and sustainable growth of APEC member economies 
    after the financial crisis.

4. As one of the champion economies of the Ease of Doing Business(EoDB) action plan, 
Korea, along with the US, Japan, New Zealand and Singapore, will report on the progress in 
the EoDB action plan and discuss ways for further cooperation among champion economies.

 ※ APEC Ease of Doing Business(EoDB) Action Plans to improve the business environment
 - APEC-wide aspirational targets (5% improvement by 2011, 25% by 2015)
 - Champion economies for the 5 areas of priority : Enforcing Contracts (Korea), Starting 
   a business (USA, New Zealand), Getting Credit (Japan), Dealing with Permits (Singapore), 
   Trading Across Borders (Singapore, Hong Kong China)

5. Meanwhile, on the occasion of the SOM meeting, Japan, as chair economy, will invite 37 
youths from 19 APEC member economies and host the ‘2010 APEC Junior Conference’ under 
the theme of ‘Our Future, the Earth’s Future: Creating a Peaceful, Prosperous Society’ from 
February 20th to 23rd at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

 ※ One student from Samyuk Middle School in Daejeon and the other one from the Korean 
    Minjok Leadership Academy will participate in the conference as junior representatives 
    of Korea. Both were selected among many students across the nation by the Ministry 
    of Education, Science & Technology.

              Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

*unofficial translation