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Press Releases

Israel, Estonia and Slovenia Invited to Join OECD


1. On May 10, the OECD Council reached a unanimous decision to invite Israel, Estonia  
and Slovenia  to become members of the OECD, paving the way for the Organization’s 
membership to grow to 34 countries.

OECD accession process: Signing of the agreement -> Domestic ratification -> 
Deposit instruments of ratification

2. In May 2007, OECD countries decided to hold discussions with Israel, Estonia, Slovenia, 
Chile and Russia regarding the membership of the Organization at the Ministerial Council 
Meeting. In December 2009, it decided to invite Chile to the Organization. On May 7, 2010 
Chile completed the accession process by depositing the instruments of ratification.

The review process for Russia s membership is currently underway.

3. After making enlargement efforts in the mid 1990s, the OECD has been 
endeavoring to expand the Organization’s capability by enlarging its membership, 
taking into account the increasing significance of emerging economies and changes 
in the international community. 

The decision to invite Israel, Estonia and Slovenia to become members of the OECD 
is expected to improve the Organization’s efficiency and relevance in the process 
of establishing new international economic rules and standards. 

Since 1994 the OECD has accepted seven nations - Mexico (May 1994), the 
Czech Republic (December 1995), Hungary (May 1996), Poland (November 1996), 
the  Republic of  Korea (December 1996), Slovakia (December 2000), and Chile  (May 2010) 
– as members of the Organization. It is currently composed of 31 member countries. 

                    Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT


 * unofficial translation