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Press Releases

USTR releases 2010 Report on Intellectual Property Rights


1. On April 30, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) released its 2010 
Special 301 Report.

 o The Special 301 Report is an annual review conducted by the USTR pursuant to Section 182 of 
   the Trade Act of 1974 that assesses the protection and enforcement of intellectual property
   rights in its major trading partners .

2. Since 1989, when the Report was first released, Korea had been placed on either the Priority 
Watch List (9 times) or the Watch List (11 times). However, Korea was removed from the list for 
the first time last year, and excluded again this year.

 o This year’s Report placed 11 countries on the Priority Watch List, including China, Canada, India
    and Russia and 29 countries on the Watch List, including Brazil, Italy, Mexico and Spain.

3. The Korean Government will continue to exert every effort to improve IPR protection and 

                       Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

*unofficial translation