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Press Releases

Holding of the 2010 Second APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting


1. The 2010 Second APEC Senior officials’ Meeting (SOM) will be held on June 3-4 in Sapporo, Japan.
 ※ Meetings for committees under the SOM such as the Steering Committee for Economic and 
    Technical Cooperation (SCE) and the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI), and Working Groups such
    as the Investment Experts Group (IEG), Market Access Group (MAG) and Group on Services
    (GOS) will be held from May 26 to June 2.

2. Director General for Multilateral Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Kim Gi-hwan 
will be representing the Korean side as head of delegation with relevant officials from government 
organizations such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, 
the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy and the 
Ministry of Public Administration and Security and from the private sector such as the Korea Institute 
for International Economic Policy.

3. The agenda for this meeting will include, △ assessment of the achievement of the Bogor Goals 
in 2010, △ promoting regional economic integration (REI), △ supporting the multilateral trade 
system, including the DDA negotiations, △ new Growth Strategy, △ structural reform, △ Human 
Security, and △ APEC reforms. 

4. In addition to the five developed economies, eight developing economies of APEC, including the 
ROK, voluntarily participated in the assessment of the Bogor Goals, which was set up for the 
liberalization of trade and investment liberalization. Also on this occasion will be assessed the intra-
regional progress on trade and investment liberalization within APEC, as well as ways to promote 
 * Developed economies (5): US, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand
 * Developing economies (8): ROK, Singapore, Hong Kong China, Chile, Peru, Malaysia, Taiwan

5. At this meeting, discussions will be made on ways to support the multilateral trade system such 
as a one year re-extension of the standstill on protectionism and an early conclusion of the DDA 
negotiations. The “balanced, inclusive, sustainable, creative, and secure growth strategy” drafted 
by Japan, the Chair will also be discussed.

6. Meanwhile, the ROK will submit the joint proposal for a 「Capacity Building needs for for 
strengthening REI.
 ㅇ This proposal is expected to contribute to trade and investment liberalization within the APEC
     region, as well as to maintaining the momentum for establishing the FTAAP.
  - The report on the 「Further Analytical study on the likely economic effect of  an FTAAP」, which
     the ROK participated in, was highly noted at the APEC Summit in Singapore in 2009

                      Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

*unofficial translation