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Press Releases

Outcome of the 4th Korea-Ecuador Joint Committee Meeting


1. The 4th Korea-Ecuador Joint Committee Meeting was held in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito on 
July 19 with Choo Jong-youn, MOFAT’s Director-General for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs, 
and Leonardo Arizaga, Ecuadorian Deputy Foreign Minister, leading their respective delegations.

2. In the latest Joint Committee Meeting, the two sides reviewed progress in cooperation in a wide range 
of fields, including government affairs, trade, investment, resources, development and culture, as well as 
on the international stage; and discussed in depth ways to further bolster cooperation.

In the Meeting,

ο The two sides noted with satisfaction the recent comprehensive development of Korea-Ecuador ties 
through vitalized high-level officials’ exchange.

   - Recently, Representative Lee Sang-deuk and Vice Foreign Minister Shin Kak-soo paid a visit to the 
     country, while Calahorrano, Ecuadorian Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, visited Korea.
   - Korean exports to Ecuador and imports from the country reached US$440 million and US$10 million, 
     respectively, in 2009. Some 1,200 Koreans reside in the country.

ο The Korea-Ecuador delegations discussed the construction of Pacific Refinery, and renovation of a 
solar- and wind-power plant and of Esmeraldas Refinery, all of which are projects in energy, resources 
or infrastructure, sectors for cooperation between Korea and Ecuador.

ο The two sides sought ways for Korean enterprises to step up investments in Ecuador.

3. In the wake of the Joint Committee Meeting, Director-General Choo met with Galo Borja, the Ecuadorian 
Foreign Ministry’s Deputy Minister of Trade, to exchange views on ways to promote cooperation between 
Korea and Ecuador.

                           Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation