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Press Releases

The Eminent Persons Group Adopts the Joint Statement


1. The Eminent Persons Group, which has been established to support the success of the Seoul 
Nuclear Security Summit in 2012, held a meeting in Seoul at the invitation of President Lee Myung-bak 
on November 29. In the meeting, the Group expressed its strong support for the Seoul Summit and 
adopted the Joint Statement containing ten provisions embodying six suggestions for the successful 
hosting of the Seoul Summit. 

2. In the Joint Statement, the Group declared, “We are confident that the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security 
Summit will serve as a catalyst for realizing a world free of nuclear and radiological terrorism by 
reaching agreement on new commitments and measures to enhance nuclear security. In this regard, 
we strongly support the Seoul Summit.” 

3. In particular, the Group expressed its expectation for leaders at the Seoul Summit to enhance 
public confidence in nuclear energy, which has been undermined since the Fukushima nuclear 
accident, while urging them to reduce the threat to nuclear facilities by actively seeking the ways in 
which nuclear security and nuclear safety can be mutually reinforced.

4. Noting the risk of serious consequence that arise from perpetrated acts of radiological terrorism, 
the Group stressed that the Seoul Summit should develop measures for cooperation to reduce the 
threat of radiological terrorism together with that of nuclear terrorism.

5. The Group highlighted the following six items of advice for the success of the Seoul Summit. 

- First, The Seoul Summit should demonstrate tangible progress in implementing the commitments 
made at the Washington Summit
- Second, The Seoul Summit should propose a practical vision and new concrete measures by 
setting them out in the “Seoul Communique”
- Third, Each participating state undertakes to make significant contributions to the objective of 
strengthening nuclear security regime
- Fourth, The Seoul Summit should contribute to enhancing the public confidence in nuclear energy, 
which has been undermined since the Fukushima nuclear accident, and actively seek ways to 
address the threat of radiological terrorism
- Fifth, The Seoul Summit should strengthen international and regional cooperation to prevent the 
illicit transfer of nuclear materials
- Sixth, The Seoul Summit should build upon the momentum generated by the Washington Nuclear 
Security Summit by making efforts to hold a third Summit

 6. The Group welcomed the fact that the Republic of Korea has been steadfast in the peaceful uses 
of nuclear energy by upholding the principles of nuclear nonproliferation, security and safety, and 
emphasized that the ROK will achieve an effective and successful outcome of the Seoul Summit by 
bridging diverse opinions among participating states based on the leadership it has demonstrated.

Attached: the full text of the Joint Statement

                 Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

*unofficial translation