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Press Releases

The ROK and the US State of Oregon Agreed On Mutual Recognition of Driver’s Licenses


1. The government of the Republic of Korea and the US State of Oregon reached agreement on the 
mutual recognition of non-commercial driver’s licenses between Koreans living in Oregon and 
Oregonians living in the ROK, and signed the “Arrangement on Mutual Recognition and Exchange 
of Driver’s Licenses” on December 2, 2011 (US local time). 

※ In contrast to the agreements or arrangements with other US states, the arrangement with Oregon 
will not exempt a Korean driver from the written test in accordance with Oregon laws.

2. The ROK government is making continued efforts for the recognition of Korean driver’s licenses in 
other US states and also in countries where an increasing number of Koreans visit or live. 

                   Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation