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Press Releases

2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, 100 days away


1. As of December 17, 100 days ahead of the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, the Preparatory 
Secretariat for the Summit is carrying forward its close consultation with governments of some 50 
participating states regarding the agenda of the Summit, while promoting the Summit at home and 
conducting active public diplomacy activities for major participating countries as a chair of the Summit.

2. The consultation on the “Seoul Communique,” which will be adopted as the outcome document 
of the Summit, is currently well underway and is expected to be completed in the third Sherpa 
Meeting in 2012 (New Delhi, India) following the first and second meetings (Buenos Aires in 
2010/Helsinki in 2011)

     o The Eminent Persons Group, organized to provide advice for the Summit, held a meeting at the 
request of President Lee Myung-bak in Seoul on November 29, where they expressed full support for 
the Summit and adopted the Joint Statement containing six suggestions for the successful hosting 
of the Summit.

3. As the chair of the Summit, the ROK has conducted active public diplomacy activities for major 
participating countries, and its diplomatic missions abroad have held briefings and seminars on 
the Summit for foreign government officials, diplomatic corps, research institutions, colleges, and 
journalists to expand the international community’s support for the Summit and enhance the ROK’s 
global stature and image. 

                   Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation