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Press Releases

Outcome of Presidential Envoy’s Visit to Ukraine


1. Lee Jae-oh, who is on a visit to Ukraine as a special envoy of the President on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Ukraine, delivered a letter from President Lee to President Yanukovych. He also discussed with Prime Minister Azarov and acting Foreign Minister Mayko of Ukraine ways to enhance substantive cooperation in promising fields of collaboration such as agriculture, resource and energy, transportation infrastructure and Information technology.

2. During his meeting with Prime Minister Azarov on August 17, special envoy Lee suggested cooperative measures utilizing the ROK’s world-class high-speed railway technology. The proposal is expected to serve as an opportunity to verify the high potential in substantial cooperation between the two countries to expand into the high-speed railway sector.

ㅇ Special envoy Lee also asked for the continued interest and support of the Ukraine government for the ROK enterprises’ high-speed subway export projects and participation in the construction of LNG terminal in Ukraine.

3. Special envoy Lee had a luncheon meeting with ROK entrepreneurs in Ukraine and encouraged their active participation in enhancing bilateral economic cooperation. In addition, he also promised the ROK government’s full and continued support for solving any difficulties the ROK businesses may encounter.

4. Special envoy Lee’s visit is seen to have solidified the friendly and cooperative relations of the two countries on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of diplomatic ties and to have served as an opportunity to discuss the direction of future bilateral cooperation. 

                                   Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation