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Press Releases

GGGI to be Launched as a Full-Fledged International Organization


1. The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) will be launched as a full-fledged international organization on October 18, as the Agreement on the Establishment of the GGGI, signed during the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20 Summit, in Rio Janeiro, Brazil, on June 20, is due to enter into force on the same day.

* Pursuant to the aforementioned Agreement, the GGGI is to convert into an international organization 30 days after the deposition of the ratification instrument by three of its signatory countries.

- The governments of Kiribati and the Philippines deposited their instruments of ratification to the GGGI on September 18 and October 9, respectively, following suit of Denmark and Guyana.

° The GGGI will hold its inaugural plenary session in Seoul on October 23-24 with delegates from its 18 signatory countries in attendance.

* The 18 signatory countries are: Republic of Korea, Australia, Denmark, Qatar, Costa Rica, Cambodia, Ethiopia, the UK, Papua New Guinea, the UAE, Norway, Paraguay, Guyana, Kiritati, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia and Mexico.

° The GGGI will continue working closely with its signatory countries in order for the body to accomplish its mission and become a “Think and Act Tank” on green growth.

                            Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation