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Press Releases

UK Foreign Secretary Supports the ROK Government’s Efforts to Change North Korea’s Attitude


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se had a telephone conversation with UK Foreign Secretary William Hague on the evening of April 15. The two sides exchanged views on ways to strengthen the relations between the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom, their assessments of the situation in North Korea and ways to address it, and ways for the two countries to work together in the trust-building process on the Korean Peninsula.

2. Minister Yun started out by extending his deep condolences over the passing of former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. In response, Secretary Hague expressed deep appreciation over the plan of the ROK government to send a delegation led by former Prime Minister Han Seung-soo to the late Prime Minister’s funeral scheduled for April 17.

3. Minister Yun relayed the President’s willingness to take the opportunity of the 130th anniversary of the ROK-UK diplomatic relations this year to strengthen bilateral ties. Secretary Hague conveyed the UK government’s hope to deepen cooperation with the ROK through summit and other high-level exchanges. He also noted with satisfaction that the coordination of the schedule of high-level exchanges is making tangible progress.

° In this regard, the two sides hoped for the success of the Seoul Conference on Cyberspace 2013 to take place this October, and agreed to work more closely on cyber security, one of new challenges.

4. With regard to North Korea issues, Secretary Hague noted that the UK and the rest of the international community share a strong sense of unity with the ROK. Minister Yun noted with appreciation that the latest G-8 Joint Statement on North Korea was adopted at an appropriate time and goes in line with the ROK government’s North Korea policy. He went on to take note that the G-8 Statement sends a clear and consistent message from the international community, and commended the leadership of the UK, the G-8 chair, in the lead-up to its adoption.

5. Minister Yun mentioned that he was able to confirm the united position of the international community on North Korea in a series of meetings with his counterparts from key countries, including the one with the US Secretary of State on April 12. He added that as North Korea can gain nothing through threats and provocations, it should respond sincerely to overtures for dialogue.

6. Secretary Hague conveyed the UK’s intolerance for North Korean threats and its steadfast commitment to support the ROK. He went to say that should North Korea conduct any further provocations, the UK, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, will work closely with the ROK.

7. Minister Yun explained the ROK government’s trust-building process on the Korean Peninsula and its intent to make efforts on bilateral and multilateral levels to address North Korea issues, including its nuclear development, based on strong deterrence and persistent persuasion. Secretary Hague commented that the ROK government’s North Korea policy is moving in the right direction and conveyed the UK government’s willingness to remain united with the international community in urging North Korea to change its attitude.

                            Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for MOFA

* unofficial translation