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Press Releases

Bolivia’s High-level Officials to Visit the ROK to Learn from its Development Experience


1. A high-level delegation from Bolivia, comprised of members of the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies and the press, will visit the Republic of Korea from July 21 through 27. The visit comes as part of Bolivia’s efforts to learn about the ROK that started during the visit of President Evo Morales to the ROK in August 2010. During its visit, the delegation will visit government agencies and the National Assembly, attend lectures on the ROK’s economic development policies to be offered by the Korea International Cooperation Agency, and make a tour of key industrial sites.

° The 11-member delegation will consist of nine leading members of Bolivia’s Senate and Chamber of Deputies, including the Deputy Speakers of the two chambers and the Chairman of the Constitutional Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, and a reporter from a leading broadcaster and a newspaper outlet.

° The visit of the high-level delegation to the ROK for educational purposes is the second of its kind since the one by the four governors in August 2012.

2. The Bolivian government is implementing policies focused on industrialization and food security for its national development. The upcoming visit of the high-level delegation is expected to serve as a good opportunity to share the ROK’s successful cases of rapid economic growth, introduce its state-of-the-art technology and explore ideas for cooperation. It is also expected to help the two countries look into the possibility of expanding bilateral cooperation in a wide range of fields, including infrastructure and plant projects, agriculture and cultural exchanges.

3. As a way to support the Bolivian government’s policies on industrialization and food security, the ROK embassy in Bolivia has shared with Bolivian government the ROK’s experience of rapid industrialization in the 1960s-1980s as well as its efforts to increase the level of food self-sufficiency and Saemaul Undong (new village movement) to solve its food shortage issues in the early 1970s. Lately, in particular, the ROK government has worked to promote substantive cooperation with Bolivia by offering advice to the Ministry of Productive Development, supporting the country’s project to eradicate viruses and bacteria aimed to boost the potato production, and conducting development cooperation projects for Bolivia. 

                            Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation