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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Asks the KNDA to Play a Role in Fostering Diplomatic Capabilities for the Next Five Decades


1. On September 13, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se delivered congratulatory remarks at the commemorative event of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) marking its 50th anniversary. In his remarks, Minister Yun commended the pivotal role of the KNDA in the diplomatic advances of the Republic of Korea and asked it to play a leading role in meeting the current diplomatic challenges of the ROK by drawing upon its capabilities accumulated over the past half century.

2. Minister Yun stressed that as in the past when the ROK turned various crises, including the oil shocks and the collapse of the Cold War, into opportunities, the country should turn today’s challenges into historic opportunities. He also highlighted the ROK’s historical obligation to open a new era on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia based on an objective view of reality and sense of historical responsibility.

3. Minister Yun, in particular, asked the KNDA to meet the expectations of the ROK people toward the 50-year-old organization by overcoming its diverse limitations and building capabilities in a bid to carry out diplomacy in a way that is not limited by the ROK’s international standing but that moves it upward.

4. He enumerated three specific challenges that should be overcome: the limitations of “time” by using past experience in drawing up policies for the present time and contributing to the development of long-term strategies; the limitations of “space” by developing various educational programs and building local and overseas networks; and the limitations of “expert segmentation” by enhancing and merging expertise in different areas to create new values.

5. The commemorative event brought together some 200 people, including 16 former KNDA Chancellors, some of whom are former Foreign Ministers, foreign diplomats stationed in the ROK and ranking members of the National Assembly. The event served as a meaningful opportunity for the attendees to bring renewed attention to the growth of the KNDA over the past 50 years and to celebrate the start of its next 50 years.

                 Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation