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Press Releases

Foreign Minister and the IAEA Director-General Discuss Global Nuclear Issues


1. On October 16, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with Yukiya Amano, Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) who is on a visit to the Republic of Korea from October 13 through 16. In their meeting, the Minister and the Director-General discussed key matters of mutual interest, including the North Korean nuclear issue, the Iranian nuclear issue, the nuclear safety and ways for the ROK and the IAEA to work more closely together.

2. Minister Yun commended the IAEA for playing a central role in promoting nuclear non-proliferation, the peaceful use and safety of nuclear energy, and nuclear security. In addition, he emphasized the willingness of the ROK government to work more actively with the body.

° Director-General Amano, calling the ROK a close cooperative partner for the IAEA, extended his appreciation to the ROK government for its significant contribution to the IAEA activities.

3. With regard to the North Korean nuclear issue, Minister Yun took note of the IAEA’s continued watch and monitoring on North Korea’s nuclear activities, and asked it to continue playing an active role.

° Director-General Amano mentioned that the IAEA stands ready to resume inspection on North Korea’s nuclear programs whenever the countries concerned reach an agreement to that effect.

4. In terms of the Iranian nuclear issue, -- one of the key global issues concerning nuclear non-proliferation -- the Minister and the Director-General exchanged views on recent developments, including the progress of negotiations between the P5+1 and Iran under way in Geneva from October 15 through 16 as well as meetings between the IAEA and Iran.

5. With respect to the situation of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, the two sides exchanged views on the ongoing safety-related activities by the IAEA.

6. During his visit to the ROK, Director-General Amano attended the World Energy Congress held in the city of Daegu on October 15 and met with key government officials of the ROK, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Senior Secretary to the President for Foreign and Security Affairs, the Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning, and the Chairman of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, leaving the country on October 16.

                 Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation