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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with his German Counterpart


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Germany on February 6, local time. In the meeting, the two Ministers discussed in detail ways for strategic collaboration on bilateral, regional and global issues. They were also reported on the outcome of the second meeting of the Korean-German Advisory Group on the Foreign Policy towards Reunification.

2. The two Ministers noted with appreciation that the visit to Germany by the President of the Republic of Korea in March 2014 had provided a significant momentum for advancing the ROK-Germany relations, expressing satisfaction with the progress in the implementation of follow-up measures to the visit. They consulted on their bilateral diplomatic schedule for this year, including that for summit exchanges.

◦ The two sides agreed to set a specific schedule and prepare for successful summit exchanges through diplomatic channels.

3. The two top diplomats, calling the year 2015 a historic year that marks the 25th anniversary of German unification and the 70th anniversary of the Korean Peninsula’s division, agreed to step up multi-faceted cooperation on Korean Peninsula issues, especially toward its unification.

◦ With regard to the second meeting of the Korean-German Advisory Group on the Foreign Policy towards Reunification, the two sides conveyed satisfaction over its intense discussions on Germany’s experience in trust-building in Europe and in the negotiations in the lead-up to the 2+4 Agreement, saying that the outcome of the meeting will serve as a useful guide in the process of implementing the ROK’s unification diplomacy down the road. They agreed to render strong support to the Advisory Group with regard to its activities, including its plan to hold another meeting and side events in the second half of 2015.

◦ Minister Yun brought attention to the ROK’s plan to hold in mid 2015 a “Eurasia friendship express” event, which will start in Seoul and continue all the way to Berlin, with the aim to enhance the connectivity and build trust in Europe for the unification of the Korean Peninsula. In this regard, the two sides agreed to discuss the possibility of co-holding the event.

4. In terms of issues concerning the Korean Peninsula, Minister Steinmeier reaffirmed support for the ROK government’s policies of the Trust-building Process on the Korean Peninsula and the Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative.

◦ In particular, the two sides agreed to closely collaborate to deter strategic provocations from North Korea; to resume the denuclearization process as soon as possible; and to tangibly improve North Korea’s humanitarian situation, including that of human rights. In this regard, Minister Yun voiced hope that Germany, the chair country of the G7 and the UN Human Rights Council for the year 2015 as well as a leading member of the EU, will play a leading role in enhancing the international community’s understanding on Korean Peninsula issues and the ROK government’s strategies for a peaceful unification.

5. The two Ministers also discussed in depth recent issues in Northeast Asia and Europe. Minister Steinmeier elaborated on key international security issues Germany is involved in, including those concerning Ukraine, Syria and Iran’s nuclear development. Meanwhile, Minister Yun spoke about uncertainties in the Northeast Asian situation, particularly in the complicated relations between major countries in the region.

◦ Minister Yun quoted remarks by former German President Richard von Weizsaecker that "Those who close their eyes to the past will remain blind regarding the future... Anyone who closes his eyes to the past is blind to the present," and cited a recent article contribution by Minister Steinmeier and Prime Minister Merkel’s remarks on the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp as examples of German leaders’ square attitude toward history. He noted with appreciation that such attitude has helped build trust between Germany and its neighboring countries and thereby played a role in stability and integration of Europe.

6. With respect to global issues, Minister Yun extended appreciation to Germany for its swift assistance for the safe return home by the Korean medical worker who had been suspected of being infected with the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone. The two sides agreed to work more closely together on major challenges of the international community in 2015, including climate change and development cooperation.

7. The ROK-Germany Foreign Ministers’ meeting came only three months after the one held during Minister Steinmeier’s visit to the ROK in October 2014. The two countries, by holding three Foreign Ministers’ meetings over the period of one year, are seen to have put into full gear their strategic cooperation on unification diplomacy and in various other fields. 

                    Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation