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Press Releases

MOFA Spokesperson’s Commentary on the Situation in Yemen


1. The government of the Republic of Korea expresses concerns over the continued deterioration of the situation in Yemen, where the capital Sana'a has been occupied by the armed groups since September 2014, and armed clashes have spread to Aden following President Hadi’s escape to the region.

2. Noting that recently the Saudi-led coalition has been taking military action in Yemen at the request of President Hadi, the ROK government shares the view that such action is the one taken by the international community to prevent more innocent Yemeni people from being sacrificed.

3. The ROK government supports Yemen’s political transition in line with relevant Security Council resolutions and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Initiative and urges all concerned parties in Yemen to resume dialogue at the earliest possible date and work to restore peace and stability in the country. 

              Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation