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Press Releases

MOFA Spokesperson’s Statement on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to Resolve the Iranian Nuclear Issue Agreed between the P5+1 and Iran


1. The government of the Republic of Korea welcomes the agreement on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue, reached between the P5+1 (United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, France and Germany) and Iran in Vienna on July 14 local time. The ROK government commends the efforts of countries involved in the negotiations.

2. The ROK government hopes that measures agreed on under the JCPOA will be faithfully implemented, thereby completely resolving the international community’s concerns over Iran’s nuclear program and contributing to promoting regional peace and stability, as well as to strengthening the global non-proliferation regime. The ROK government will provide possible support for the implementation of the agreement, and continue to actively participate in the international community’s nuclear non-proliferation efforts, including the IAEA’s activities.

3. In addition, the ROK government hopes that meaningful progress will also be made in the North Korean nuclear issue through serious negotiations among concerned countries, and the process for ultimately resolving the issue will begin. To that end, the ROK government urges North Korea to promptly take steps towards denuclearization under UN Security Council resolutions and the September 19 Joint Statement.

*unofficial translation