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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with his Ukrainian Counterpart


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with his Ukrainian counterpart Pavlo Klimkin on September 18. In their meeting, the two Ministers discussed ways to boost exchanges between high-level figures of the Republic of Korea and Ukraine and invigorate regularly convened bilateral consultative mechanisms; and to promote bilateral cooperation in such sectors as trade, investment, infrastructure, agriculture and information technology. They also exchanged views on the situations in diverse regions of the world, including the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia, as well as ways to work together on the international stage.

◦ Minister Klimkin’s visit to the ROK, which was the only country he visited on this occasion, marked the first of its kind by a Ukrainian Foreign Minister in eleven years.

2. The two Ministers noted with appreciation that the two countries have seen steady advances in their friendly and cooperative ties since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992. They agreed to take the opportunity of Minister Klimkin’s visit to the ROK to further step up bilateral cooperation across the board, including high-level exchanges, trade, investment, development, consular affairs, education and culture.

3. Minister Yun, noting that Ukraine has great potential in terms of the size of its territory, population and market, voiced hope that the political situation and economy of the country will stabilize as soon as possible and that the Ukrainian government’s ongoing strong reform efforts will bear fruit. He added that when such achievements are made, it will help further increase the bilateral trade and investment between the two countries.

◦ In particular, Minister Yun asked the Ukrainian government for cooperation to expand bilateral trade and investment by: a. making reasonable improvements in its temporary trade remedies; b. allowing Korean companies to participate in infrastructure projects in Ukraine; c. working together with the ROK in the agricultural sector, including investment in grain storage facilities; d. continuously seeking out projects in the information technology field; and e. concluding an agreement on the mutual recognition of driver’s licenses as soon as possible.

4. Minister Yun explained in detail the current situation on the Korean Peninsula, including the recent developments in the North Korean nuclear issue and inter-Korean relations. In particular, he stressed that with North Korea recently having suggested a possible provocation related to a long-range missile and a nuclear test, it is more important than ever for the international community to work together to deter any strategic provocations from North Korea. In response, Minister Klimkin reaffirmed firm support for the ROK government’s efforts toward peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and the denuclearization of North Korea.

5. With regard to the situation in Ukraine, Minister Klimkin explained the recent developments in the situation in eastern Ukraine and the Ukrainian government’s efforts to implement the Minsk Agreements. Minister Yun expressed hope that all the parties concerned will thoroughly implement the “Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements” and thereby help resolve the Ukrainian situation in a peaceful way as soon as possible. He also voiced hope that positive results will be produced at the summit of the four Normandy Format countries, which is scheduled for October 2.

6. The ROK-Ukraine Foreign Ministers’ meeting is seen to have served as an opportunity to review specific ways to step up bilateral substantive cooperation, which had been discussed at the bilateral Foreign Ministers’ meeting held in January on the sidelines of the Davos Forum; and to enhance mutual attention to and understanding on regional issues, including the situations in Ukraine and on the Korean Peninsula.

* unofficial translation