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Foreign Minister Meets with the IAEA Director-General to Further Strengthen Cooperation on the North Korean Nuclear Issue


1. On October 6, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with Director-General Yukiya Amano of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who is on a visit to the Republic of Korea on October 6-7. In the meeting, the two sides discussed key matters of mutual concern, including the North Korean nuclear issue; the implementation of the Iranian nuclear deal; the Northeast Asia Nuclear Safety Cooperation Conference; ways to promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy; and the upcoming role of the ROK Foreign Minister as the Chair of the IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security in 2016.

2. Minister Yun and Director-General Amano, expressing concern over North Korea’s announced intent to launch nuclear and missile provocations, agreed to further step up the ROK-IAEA cooperation to deter provocations from North Korea and resolve the North Korean nuclear issue.

◦ Minister Yun noted that the resolution on the North Korean nuclear issue, adopted at the 59th IAEA General Conference on September 18, reaffirms the concern over the North Korean nuclear issue and sends a stern message of the international community on the denuclearization of North Korea through a more strongly-worded text than the previous resolution adopted in 2014. In addition, he underscored the need for the ROK and the IAEA to continue their close cooperation in order for the latter to play a pivotal role in monitoring and verifying the denuclearization process of North Korea. In response, Director-General Amano mentioned that the IAEA is fully aware of the gravity of the North Korean nuclear issue and always maintains its readiness to inspect nuclear facilities in North Korea.

3. The Director-General explained the IAEA activities for implementing the P5+1-Iran Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program, drawn up on July 14 to pave the way for a comprehensive resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue, and asked that the ROK, a leading country in international nuclear non-proliferation efforts, cooperate actively with the international efforts to implement the agreement.

◦ The Minister responded that the ROK government will cooperate as necessary and to the extent possible, as the verification process on the Iranian nuclear program could be conducive to the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue in the future.

4. Minister Yun asked for the IAEA’s assistance and cooperation with regard to the Northeast Asia Nuclear Safety Cooperation Conference, scheduled to take place in Seoul on October 22-23. Director-General Amano mentioned that the IAEA is aware of the importance of nuclear safety and is actively extending assistance to regional cooperation efforts on nuclear safety, adding that the IAEA will offer technical cooperation for the success of the conference.

5. The Director-General commended the ROK for its leading role in promoting peaceful uses of nuclear energy and nuclear safety and in strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime and nuclear security, and extended appreciation to the ROK for its financial contribution to the IAEA, including for the Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI). Minister Yun stated that the ROK government has a priority on its cooperation with the IAEA and will continue to cooperate with the IAEA.

6. Minister Yun asked that more ROK nationals be allowed to expand their presence at the IAEA in a way that befits the ROK’s standing as the world’s fifth-largest nuclear powerhouse. The Director-General responded that a Korean expert in nuclear issues had recently been appointed to a high-level position at the IAEA, adding that the body is willing to increase the number of competent Koreans in the IAEA.

7. Director-General Amano expressed gratitude to Minister Yun for accepting the role as the Chair of the IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security in 2016. Minister Yun stated that he will do his best to make a success of the conference by drawing upon the ROK’s experience as the host of the Nuclear Security Summit in 2012.

8. Director-General Amano’s latest visit to the ROK is seen to have served as an opportunity to reaffirm the ROK-IAEA cooperation to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue, the last remaining challenge to the international nuclear non-proliferation regime as an agreement has been concluded on the Iranian nuclear program; and to take the ROK-IAEA cooperation a notch higher in promoting peaceful uses of nuclear energy, nuclear safety, nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security.

* unofficial translation