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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with the US Deputy Secretary of State


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with US Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken on October 6. In the meeting, the Foreign Minister commended the US government for its active cooperation and assistance in preparations for the success of President Park Geun-hye’s planned visit to the US, which will take place in a week. The two sides exchanged views on matters of mutual concern, including the situations on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia as well as global issues.

◦ In particular, Minister Yun explained the strategy and diplomatic efforts of the government of the Republic of Korea, including its plan to host an ROK-Japan-China summit meeting, to promote a virtuous circle in the situation in Northeast Asia. Deputy Secretary Blinken, noting with appreciation that such efforts by the ROK fully serve US interests, proposed that the two countries continue close cooperation for peace and prosperity in the region.

◦ In addition, Minister Yun explained the outcome of the ROK President’s attendance at the recent UN General Assembly session marking the 70th anniversary of its founding; stressed that the significant goal and policy direction of the ROK’s diplomacy is to contribute to the dissemination of such global values as peace, human rights and development; and noted with appreciation that the ROK and the US, in the process of jointly resolving global challenges, are seeing their alliance evolve and develop into global partnership.

◦ In response, Deputy Secretary Blinken, commending the ROK for its willingness and contribution to the resolution of global issues, presented his view that the strengthened global partnership would reinforce the foundation for the future-oriented development of the ROK-US alliance.

◦ The Minister and the Deputy Secretary exchanged views on the overall situation on the Korean Peninsula, including the recent remarks and moves by North Korea; shared the view that it is important for North Korea not to take any provocative actions that will destabilize the situation; and agreed that should North Korea press ahead with any provocation, a stern response will be made together with the international community based on the firm ROK-US collaboration.

2. Earlier in the day, before the meeting between the Foreign Minister and the Deputy Secretary, First Vice Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yong met with the Deputy Secretary to review the progress in preparations for the forthcoming ROK-US summit meeting, including the agenda, the main deliverables and the outcome document.

◦ Deputy Secretary Blinken mentioned that it is important to make a success of the ROK-US summit meeting, which will come after the recent ROK-China summit talks and US-China summit talks, in implementing the US policy toward the Asia-Pacific region. The two sides agreed to make the best efforts and continue close cooperation until the very last minute to make the ROK-US summit talks an occasion to highlight the strong, dynamically evolving alliance as well as an important milestone in advancing the bilateral alliance in the future.

* unofficial translation