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ROK to Serve as Chair of the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN)


1. The Republic of Korea officially took up the chairmanship of the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) for the year 2016 at a meeting of the body’s Steering Committee, held at the OECD headquarters in Paris, France, from October 8 to 9.

o As MOPAN’s chair in 2016, the ROK will preside over meetings of the Steering Committee, which is MOPAN’s supreme decision-making body, and play a leading role in setting MOPAN’s policy direction.

o MOPAN is the only multilateral organization assessment network among donor countries. Since its establishment in 2002, MOPAN has assessed the effectiveness and accountability of multilateral organizations in the areas of development and humanitarian assistance, and provided related information to its member countries.

o Most donor countries are using MOPAN’s assessments as their main criteria in making decisions on multilateral assistance. Amid the recent increase in multilateral assistance (60 billion US dollars in 2013, which is 30 percent of the total ODA), the importance of MOPAN’s assessments of multilateral organizations is gradually growing.

2. The ROK’s assumption of MOPAN’s chairmanship was made possible by strong recommendations from the US, MOPAN’s chair for 2015, and support from all other member countries, in recognition of the ROK government’s significant contributions in discussions on global development cooperation, including its leadership in the Busan Global Partnership.

3. The ROK’s assumption of the post holds significance in that it is the first Asian and emerging donor country to take up the post. In particular, the ROK’s assumption of the role in 2016, the year in which the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will be launched, is expected to contribute to raising the ROK’s international standing as an advanced and exemplary donor country and expanding its influence on multilateral development organizations.

4. MOPAN has 17 member countries, including the UK, France and the US, most of which are advanced donor countries in the West. The ROK joined MOPAN in 2008 as the first Asian country to join the body, and Japan became its member in 2014. Multilateral assistance from MOPAN’s 17 member countries accounts for more than 95 percent of the total global multilateral assistance.

*unofficial translation