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Foreign Minister Attends the 12th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se attended the 12th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Luxembourg on November 5 and 6, where he proposed ways to strengthen the connectivity between Asia and Europe as well as an initiative for future advances of ASEM, which will mark the 20th anniversary of its founding in 2016.

2. ASEM is the only regional cooperative mechanism between Asia and Europe with a majority of Eurasian countries participating as its members, including three Northeast Asian countries, ten ASEAN countries, 28 EU countries, Australia, India and Kazakhstan. The Republic of Korea has been taking an active part in the mechanism since its founding in 1996.

◦ The ROK hosted the third ASEM Summit in Seoul in 2000, when the groundwork for the operation of the ASEM process was laid. The ROK will host the seventh ASEM Culture Ministers’ Meeting in 2016 and the sixth ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting in 2017.

3. In his remarks at the plenary session on the first day of the meeting, Minister Yun explained in detail the outcome of the ROK’s follow-up work on the proposal made by President Park Geun-hye at the ASEM Summit in Milan in 2014 with respect to contributions that the ROK will make for the attainment of the great vision to enhance the connectivity between Asia and Europe, which ASEM symbolizes.

4. In addition, the Minister presented ways that ASEM, which stands at a critical juncture as it marks the 20th anniversary of its founding in 2016, can enhance its visibility and evolve into a more efficient and mature consultative mechanism, drawing acclaim from the EU and other member countries of ASEM. Among the ways are continuously expanding and deepening physical and soft connectivities; strengthening ASEM’s role in boosting economic cooperation between Asia and Europe and reaffirming commitment to sustainable development; and promoting dialogue at the ASEM level on common challenges.

◦ In particular, as the first step for activating cooperation in economy, one of ASEM’s three major pillars -- political affairs, economy and culture -- where cooperation has moved forward relatively slowly, the Minister proposed resuming the Senior Officials’ Meeting on Trade and Investment (SOMTI) with China.

◦ In addition, the Minister stressed that ASEM should pay keener attention to not only physical connectivity but also promoting human rights and other universal values. He proposed that on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its founding in 2016, ASEM consider holding an “ASEM-UN Dialogue: Enduring Partnership for Humanity” on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session to seek ways to meet common challenges of mankind.

5. On the second day of the ASEM meeting, at the Retreat Session, Minister Yun explained the situation on the Korean Peninsula, including North Korea’s nuclear and human rights issues; the ROK-Japan-China summit talks and other recent developments in Northeast Asia; and the South China Sea issue.

◦ The Minister pointed out that security issues in Europe and Asia are very similar or closely related to each other, citing the nuclear non-proliferation issue as an example.

◦ He pointed out that the North Korean nuclear issue remains as the biggest pending issue with regard to the international nuclear non-proliferation regime since the conclusion of the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program; explained in detail the current situation of the North Korean nuclear issue; and emphasized the need for a firm and unified message from the international community that expresses zero tolerance for a nuclear North Korea and calls for the denuclearization.

◦ He also explained in detail the ROK government’s efforts to ease tension and build trust in Northeast Asia as well as, in particular, the significance of the ROK-Japan-China summit talks.

◦ With maritime security in the South China Sea having emerged as a serious security concern in the region, the Minister mentioned that freedom of navigation and flight over the waters must be protected and respected. In that regard, he highlighted the ROK government’s position that disputes should be resolved in a peaceful way and in accordance with the internationally established code of conduct as well as bilateral and multilateral commitments and agreements.

6. The participating ministers exchanged views on main regional and global issues, including climate change, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, disaster management, counter-terrorism, the situations in the Middle East and North Africa, and the refugee issue. They agreed to continue mustering willingness for ASEM to respond to these challenges.

7. Minister Yun’s participation in the 12th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting is seen to have reaffirmed the ROK’s commitment to contribute to future advances of ASEM; have won broader support from ASEM member states for the ROK’s “Eurasia Initiative”; and have drawn their attention to and won their cooperation on North Korean issues.

◦ In particular, at the meeting, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini introduced to the participating ministers the ROK’s Eurasia Initiative as an exemplary policy for enhancing connectivity in Asia. Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn of Luxembourg, the host country of the 12th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, citing the ROK-hosted symposium on transportation and logistics network in Eurasia (which was held in Seoul in September) as an exemplary project on physical connectivity among ASEM countries, called the ROK a leading country in the discussions on enhanced connectivity in Asia.

* unofficial translation