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Press Releases

ROK and Singapore to Hold their 3rd Bilateral Meeting on Climate Change


1. The third Republic of Korea-Singapore bilateral meeting on climate change will take place in Seoul on May 4, with Ambassador for Climate Change Choi Jai-chul of the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his Singaporean counterpart Kwok Fook Seng leading their respective delegations.

2. The ROK and Singapore worked closely together in the lead-up to the conclusion of the Paris Agreement on climate change, the basis of the new climate regime, by holding two bilateral meetings on climate change since 2014 and other bilateral meetings on the sidelines of major multilateral events.

3. Ahead of the first meeting of the Ad hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement from May 16 till 26, the delegations from the two countries will discuss relevant key issues at their forthcoming bilateral meeting.

4. In the upcoming bilateral meeting, the two countries will share with each other their efforts to draw up policies for meeting their targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, which were submitted in 2015, as well as information on their energy and other policies in place in their countries for countering climate change. Accordingly, it is expected to serve as an opportunity to better understand each other’s policies on climate change.

* unofficial translation