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Press Releases

ROK’s Diplomatic Archives to Hold Events to Mark its 10th Anniversary


1. With the year 2016 marking the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Diplomatic Archives, the “hall” of the Republic of Korea’s diplomatic history, the Foreign Ministry has invited Deputy Foreign Minister for Planning and Coordination Paik Ji-ah to deliver a special lecture to college students at the Diplomatic Archives on May 7. The Ministry will also open the expanded exhibition hall to the public.

° The Diplomatic Archives was opened in 2006 to preserve and use diplomatic records in a scientific and systemic manner; to promote the public’s right to know; and to implement diplomacy together with the people.

2. The new exhibition themed “the ROK’s diplomacy at a glance” in the exhibition hall will feature a multimedia wall of disclosed diplomatic records in such forms as documents, photos and videos from the time the ROK government was established till now. Also available will be records on recent, major diplomatic activities.

3. The exhibition, along with detailed explanations on exhibits, will be available for high-definition online viewing at any time at the website of the Diplomatic Archives at www.diplomaticarchives.mofa.go.kr.

* unofficial translation