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Press Releases

Deputy Foreign Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs to Attend the UN ECOSOC’s High-Level Political Forum


1. Deputy Foreign Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs Choi Jong-moon will attend the High-Level Political Forum that the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) will host at the UN headquarters in New York from July 19 to 21. At the event, the Deputy Minister will deliver a presentation on the progress in the efforts by the government of the Republic of Korea to implement the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the first year of the SDGs implementation.

2. The ROK government, through close consultations among relevant government agencies and civil society, has compiled a “national review” report. At the “National Voluntary Review” session on July 20, Deputy Minister Choi will deliver a presentation on the progress in the ROK’s implementation of the SDGs.

3. Deputy Minister Choi will also attend the ministerial general debate, where he will inform the other participants of the ROK’s efforts to attain the SDGs concerning refugees and humanitarian assistance, and will once again highlight the ROK’s commitment to contribute in that regard as a middle-power donor country.

4. On July 21, the Deputy Minister will attend the fifth High-level Meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum and deliver a keynote speech on a new paradigm of development cooperation necessary for the implementation of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

5. During his visit to the UN headquarters, Deputy Minister Choi will also meet with major figures of the UN Secretariat and Security Council member states and exchange views with them on ways to work together for a thorough implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2270 on North Korea.

* unofficial translation