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Press Releases

ROK Government and Civil Society to Hold the “One Humanity” Event to Mark the UN World Humanitarian Day


1. In order to mark the UN World Humanitarian Day, which falls on August 19, the Foreign Ministry, together with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC), 18 local civil groups for humanitarian aid and relevant international organizations, will conduct joint on- and off-line campaigns to be participated by the general public.

2. As part of the joint campaigns themed “One Humanity,” an off-line event will take place at Gwanghwamun Square on August 19, drawing participation of the general public. Meanwhile, throughout August, the Republic of Korea’s official facebook page on “the World Humanitarian Day” will be run, offering information on activities of humanitarian workers in areas across the world that are under dispute and hit by disasters.

3. The upcoming campaigns are expected to serve as an opportunity to honor the dedication of sacrifice of humanitarian workers who are making efforts to save lives in the face of difficulties and amid the continuously worsening humanitarian situation, such as the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II, as well as an opportunity to raise public awareness on humanitarian assistance.

4. Going forward, the ROK government will continue to increase humanitarian assistance to countries in need of aid and take an active part in global work to respond to crises in efforts as a responsible middle power country to actively implement humanitarian diplomacy.

* unofficial translation