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Press Releases

Events Held to Mark the 1st Anniversary of the Entry into Force of the ROK-New Zealand FTA


1. The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in New Zealand, together with the Korea-New Zealand Business Council, held a seminar at a technical institute in Auckland on November 22 to mark the first anniversary of the entry into force of the ROK-New Zealand FTA.

2. Not only ranking government officials but also some 100 entrepreneurs from the two countries attended the seminar, showing keen interest in the ROK-New Zealand FTA.

3. The ROK Embassy in New Zealand handed out to the seminar participants brochures on tourism in the ROK and Korean food in an public diplomacy activity to help them learn more about Korea. In addition, the ROK’s Ambassador Kim Hae-yong hosted a reception to offer an opportunity to the participating government officials and business people of the two countries to build networks and to exchange information.

4. Going forward, the ROK Embassy in New Zealand will continue efforts to enhance ties between the governments, groups and businesses of the two countries and thereby seek a better implementation of the ROK-New Zealand FTA and advances in the bilateral relations.

* unofficial translation