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Top Diplomats of ROK and US Reaffirm Over Phone Commitment to Further Strengthen Bilateral Alliance


 1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se held a telephone conversation with new US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on February 7, during which the two top diplomats exchanged views on matters of mutual concern, including ways to strengthen the Republic of Korea-United States alliance and to resolve nuclear and other issues of North Korea.

2. Minister Yun noted with appreciation that the series of ROK-US high-level contacts over the period of one week which includes the telephone conversation between the ROK’s acting President and President Trump on January 30, Secretary of Defense James Mattis’s visit to Korea and his meeting with Minister Yun on February 3 as well as the telephone conversation with Secretary of State Tillerson; are symbolic of the significance the new US administration attaches to the ROK-US alliance. He also extended congratulations to Secretary Tillerson, who is well experienced with deep understanding and insights into international issues, on taking office as the 69th Secretary of State of the US.

3. The Minister and the Secretary shared the view that the ROK-US alliance, a mutually beneficial asset to the peoples of both countries, has grown into a comprehensive strategic alliance that encompasses a whole range of bilateral issues even beyond diplomatic and security issues to include economic and global partnership. They also agreed to further strengthen bilateral ties under the Trump administration to become the strongest alliance ever and efficiently meet such challenges as those posed by North Korea and its nuclear program.

° The Minister brought renewed attention to the fact that in his meeting with Secretary of Defense Mattis the week before, the two sides had agreed that it is important to foster synergy between foreign and defense policies in its entirety in implementing coercive diplomacy to address North Korean threats. He suggested that under the Trump administration, the two countries should continue to activate various high-level consultation mechanisms including the Extended Deterrence Strategy and Consultation Group (EDSCG) meeting.

° Secretary Tillerson, sharing the Minister’s view that the ROK-US alliance is a centerpiece of peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region, reiterated that US commitment to the defense of the ROK, including through the provision of extended deterrence, will remain steadfast; and agreed that the two countries should reinforce the driving forces and mechanisms for cooperation across the board under the new US administration. 

° The two sides, recognizing the planned deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system to US Forces as a defensive measure to solely counter North Korea’s threats but not undermine security interests of any other countries, agreed to deploy the system as planned.

4. Minister Yun, stressing that the North Korean nuclear problem will be the gravest diplomatic and security issue to be faced by the new US administration, noted that given the gravity and urgency of the situation, the ROK and US governments should always stand ready for possible provocations by North Korea, like the motto of the U.S. Boy Scout, “Be Prepared.” On that note, he suggested that consultative channel between the top diplomats of the ROK and the US be kept open around the clock.

° The Minister pointed out that despite various efforts by the ROK and the US over the past 20 years, North Korea’s nuclear capacity is nearing the final stage of weaponization and North Korea threatened pre-emptive nuclear strikes on the two countries. He added that under the circumstances, “peace through strength,” a vision pursued by the Trump administration, is relevant. He emphasized that the ROK and the US continue to thoroughly implement the unprecedentedly strong and comprehensive framework of sanctions and pressure on North Korea which was established last year, while upholding their steadfast principle that a nuclear North Korea is never be tolerated.

- The two sides agreed to continue close consultations in this regard at various levels, including between the head delegates to the Six-Party Talks.

° Secretary Tillerson, fully sharing the Minister’s view on the gravity of the North
Korean nuclear threat, possible provocations by the North and the need for continued close ROK-US coordination, suggested that the two countries develop a joint approach to the North Korean nuclear program, an immediate threat, and
discuss them in detail as the top agenda item at their foreign ministerial meeting in the near future.

° The two sides, drawing a common understanding that China’s role is most important in efforts to induce North Korea onto a path toward denuclearization, agreed to continue various efforts to lead China in that direction, including its thorough implementation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
5. Minister Yun informed the Secretary of the current ROK-Japan relations and the situation in Northeast Asia. Secretary Tillerson, expressing support for the ROK government’s efforts to improve its relations with Japan, noted that such efforts will be conducive to the ROK-US-Japan trilateral cooperation.

6. The Minister and the Secretary drew a common understanding that, in light of the North Korean nuclear threat and other uncertainties in the regional situation, it is important to hold a bilateral foreign ministerial meeting as soon as possible for discussions on specific strategies and action plans to further the ROK-US alliance. The two sides agreed to have an opportunity in February for an in-depth consultation and to set a date through diplomatic channels.

* unofficial translation