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Press Releases

The Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the DPRK’s Ballistic Missile Launch on February 12, 2017


1. The DPRK conducted a ballistic missile launch on February 12. It is the first ballistic missile launch by the DPRK this year, which came after its launches of 24 ballistic missiles in 2016, constituting a flagrant and clear violation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions as well as a grave threat to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and the international community as a whole. The ROK government condemns the DPRK’s provocation in the strongest terms.

2. The repeated provocations by the DPRK pose a direct challenge to the united resolve of the international community manifested in the unanimously-adopted UN Security Council resolution 2321. They also clearly demonstrate the unreasonable nature of the Kim Jong-un regime that is fanatically obsessed with the development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, just as shown in the New Year address, in which it had threatened to launch ICBMs.

3. The DPRK’s routinized provocations will serve to further strengthen the international community’s resolve for the denuclearization of the DPRK. By faithfully implementing sanctions against the DPRK including UN Security Council resolution 2321, along with friendly countries’ strong unilateral sanctions, the ROK government will make the DPRK realize that it will never survive unless it abandons all nuclear and missile programs.

4. Furthermore, the ROK government will unwaveringly protect the lives of its people and the security of the nation against any threat from the DPRK, while deterring the DPRK’s nuclear and missile threats, based on the strong ROK – U.S. combined defense posture including by increasing executiveness of extended deterrence.

* unofficial translation