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Press Releases

Cheonghae Unit to Take Part in EU’s Somalia Anti-Piracy Operation


1. The Republic of Korea’s Cheonghae unit deployed in the Gulf of Aden, Somalia, will, for the first time, take part in the Atalanta, the anti-piracy operation to be undertaken by the EU in March as part of its crisis management operations.

2. The participation of the Cheoghae unit in the EU’s anti-piracy operation in Somalia will come pursuant to “the ROK-EU Framework Agreement for the Participation of Korea in EU Crisis Management Operations” in force since December 2016. The EU asked the ROK in May 2014 to join the anti-piracy operation.

3. The forthcoming participation of the Cheonghae unit in the EU’s anti-piracy operation will carry significance in that the scope of the ROK-EU strategic cooperation will have broadened beyond political affairs and economy to include crisis management. The joint operation and experience sharing with the EU is expected to play a role in the ROK’s efforts to work more closely together with the international community to better protect its national abroad and in its diplomacy for global peace.

* unofficial translation