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Press Releases

First ROK-CARICOM High-level Meeting to Take Place


1. First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Lim Sung-nam will attend the Republic of Korea-CARICOM (Caribbean Community) high-level meeting, to be held in Jamaica on February 27.

2. The upcoming meeting, which marks the first high-level meeting between the ROK and CARICOM, will be attended by the CARICOM Secretariat and vice ministerial-level officials of CARICOM member countries. In the meeting to be held under the theme “future-oriented partnership between the ROK and CARICOM,” the two sides will engage in extensive discussions on ways to strengthen substantive cooperation.

3. CARICOM, which represents the Caribbean region on the global stage, is an important regional organization that accounts for 7.3 percent of all UN votes. The ROK government has closely worked together with CARICOM through KOICA’s development cooperation projects in a range of areas, including response to climate change, management of the marine environment, and establishment of e-government.

4. The forthcoming meeting is expected to contribute to further broadening the ROK’s diplomatic horizon in the Caribbean by strengthening mutually-beneficial cooperation between the ROK and CARICOM member countries, which are emerging as the ROK’s important cooperation partners, as well as by serving as an opportunity to establish a partnership for co-prosperity.

* unofficial translation