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Press Releases

Travel-alert Level Raised for Barinas, Venezuela


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has raised the travel-alert level for the state of Barinas near Venezuela's western border region to Red Alert (Travel Restricted) from the previous Yellow Alert (Highly Cautious), effective from May 29, 2017.

o With anti-government protests in Venezuela intensifying and spreading across the country, the security situation is worsening due to clashes between anti-riot squads and anti-government protesters, and the security vacuum caused by the mobilization of police to quell protests.

- In particular, as anti-government protests are turning increasingly violent in the western border region, the government of Venezuela has recently dispatched armed military and police forces, including 2,000 guards and 600 special operations troops, to Barinas and Tachira, increasing the possibility of armed clashes between the military and citizens.

2. Given the situation, the nationals of the Republic of Korea staying in Venezuela or planning to visit the country are advised to check the aforementioned travel-alert level issued by the Foreign Ministry and take serious heed to their safety.

* unofficial translation