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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with Members of US Congressional Study Group on Korea


1. On April 30, Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha met with members of the US Congressional Study Group on Korea (CSGK) who are on a visit to the Republic of Korea. In the meeting, Minister Kang explained the main accomplishments and significance of the inter-Korean summit on April 27, and shared expectations and prospects for a successful US-North Korea summit.


Five members of the CSGK on a visit to the ROK

- Representative Ami Bera (Democrat, California/ co-chair of the CSGK), Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (Republican, Wisconsin), Representative Jan Schakowsky (Democrat, Illinois), Representative John Faso (Republican, New York), and Representative Jimmy Gomez (Democrat, California)


Major schedules during their visit to the ROK

- visiting the National Assembly, meeting with high-level government officials, including the Foreign Minister, visiting places related to security, including the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), and holding a business roundtable


Congressional Study Group on Korea (CSGK)

- It is a bipartisan study group on Korea created within the US Congress, which was officially launched in February this year. About 20 incumbent members of the Congress are participating in the CSGK (fourth study group following those on Germany, Japan and Europe).

- In addition to the annual program to visit the ROK, it will also hold meetings on the Korean Peninsula on a regular basis.


2. Minister Kang said that the inter-Korean summit on April 27 became a solid milestone which opens the path to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, the establishment of a lasting peace regime, and the sustainable development of inter-Korean relations. She especially pointed out that the summit holds big significance in that the leaders of the two sides put in writing their commitment to “complete denuclearization.”


o Furthermore, Minister Kang stressed that now is the time for the ROK and the US to concentrate their diplomatic capabilities to successfully hold the US-North Korea summit, building upon the accomplishments of the inter-Korean summit. She said that the ROK and the US will continue close communications and collaboration to make sure that specific accomplishments to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and to establish a lasting peace will come out of the US-North Korea summit.


3. The members of the CSGK congratulated and welcomed the success of the historic inter-Korean summit that the ROK government ensured through proactive efforts even in difficult conditions. They said that though a cautious approach taking into account past experience in negotiations with North Korea is needed, the overall situation appears to be moving in the right direction to denuclearize and ease tension on the Korean Peninsula.


o They also said that members of the US Congress are showing a huge interest in the results of the inter-Korean summit, and asked the Foreign Minister to brief the Congress, especially the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on the results when she visits the US. They asked Minister Kang if there is any message that she wants them to deliver to the US Congress, and in response, Minister Kang expressed appreciation for the keen interest and support from the Congress, adding that the two countries need to fulfill historic responsibilities to make best use of this opportunity.


4. Minister Kang expressed satisfaction over the creation of the CSGK, a gathering of pro-ROK members of the Congress specializing in the study of Korea, amid the significant breakthrough on the Korean Peninsula, as well as their first visit to the ROK. She also asked the US Congress, especially the CSGK, to play a bridging role to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue, establish peace on the Korean Peninsula, and continue to advance the ROK-US relations in all areas.


o The members of the CSGK said that the Group is one of the four Study Groups within the US Congress, and that it shows the Congress and its members’ interest in and affection for the ROK. They said that they are honored to make their first visit to the ROK at this historic moment, and that they will play an active role to contribute to advancing the ROK-US alliance and establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula.



* unofficial translation