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Press Releases

Outcome of Telephone Conversation between Foreign Ministers of ROK and Czech Republic


1. Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang, Kyung-wha spoke over the phone with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Tomáš Petříček on the afternoon of May 4 at the latter’s request, and exchanged views on ways to cooperate on COVID-19 response, as well as the bilateral relations between the Republic of Korea and the Czech Republic, which mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year.


o Minister Kang explained that the COVID-19 situation in the ROK has recently been improving, but the ROK government remains vigilant in its response, adding that the government is keeping in place social distancing measures while easing some parts of them, and will shift to “routine prevention measures (distancing in everyday life)” soon.


2. Minister Petříček highly commended the ROK’s effective response to COVID-19, and expressed appreciation to the ROK for cooperating by exporting swab kits and sharing its experiences.


3. Minister Kang noted with appreciation that the two countries are closely working together in responding to COVID-19, including by supporting the repatriation of their nationals abroad and allowing Korean businesspeople to enter the Czech Republic.


4. The two Ministers took note that the two countries had recently cooperated successfully to bring their nationals abroad back home by helping Czech nationals staying in Australia and New Zealand return home on a Korean Air temporary flight, and helping Korean nationals return home on the same flight on its way back. The two sides voiced hope to continue such cooperation.


o In addition, the two Ministers stressed the need for international cooperation on vaccination and the development of medicines to prevent a second wave of COVID-19, and agreed to continue cooperation on that.


5. The two Ministers agreed to work to successfully overcome the common crisis of COVID-19 and continue stepping up the bilateral relations, as this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.


6. Minister Petříček extended the Czech government’s deep condolences and sympathy to the victims of the fire in Icheon on April 29 and the bereaved families.