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Deputy Minister for Political Affairs Yeo Pays Courtesy Call on Tunisian Foreign Minister


1. During his visit to Tunisia on November 3, Deputy Minister for Political Affairs Yeo Seung Bae paid a courtesy call on Tunisian Foreign Minister Othman Jerandi and exchanged views on bilateral relations, substantive cooperation, cooperation at the international fora and the situation on the Korean Peninsula.


2. The two sides took note that Korea and Tunisia have continued cooperation in various fields including COVID-19 response and development, based on cooperative relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1969, and shared the view on the need to continue to promote substantive cooperation going forward.


Foreign Minister Jerandi expressed his gratitude for Korea’s assistance in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, and Deputy Minister Yeo voiced his hope to further expand cooperation between the two countries as necessary while explaining the Korean government’s efforts to work with the international community and with Tunisia to tackle the pandemic.


3. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Jerandi expected that cooperation between companies of the two countries would bring synergies amid improvements in the situation in Libya, and hoped to expand economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges, such as through an increase in investments by Korean companies and a growth in the number of Korean tourists.


Deputy Minister Yeo requested Tunisia’s interest and support to promote Korean companies’presence in projects in Tunisia and to resolve difficulties faced by those operating in Tunisia.


4. Deputy Minister Yeo asked for Foreign Minister Jerandi’s participation in the UN Peacekeeping Ministerial in Seoul on December 7-8, 2021 as well as Tunisia’s support for Korea’s bid to host the 2030 World Expo in Busan.


Foreign Minister Jerandi extended appreciation for the invitation and stressed that both sides should continue to step up cooperation at the international fora.


5. In addition, Deputy Minister Yeo explained the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and the Tunisian side expressed its support for the Korean government’s efforts to build peace and stability.