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ROK and Australia Hold 4th Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Dialogue and 2nd Space Policy Dialogue


 - The two countries discussed how to strengthen cooperation on disarmament and non-proliferation.

- They also explored ways to enhance cooperation with regard to space policy covering both public and private sectors.

1. Mr. Youn Jong Kwon, Director-General for Nonproliferation and Nuclear Affairs, held the 4th Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Dialogue and the 2nd Space Policy Dialogue between the Republic of Korea and Australia with his Australian counterpart, Ms. Vanessa Wood, Ambassador for Arms Control and Counter-Proliferation, on March 18, 2024, at the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2. During the 4th Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Dialogue, the ROK and Australia discussed global and regional disarmament and non-proliferation issues, including the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s nuclear and missile programs as well as the implementation of UN sanctions on the DPRK. The two like-minded countries agreed to further enhance mutual cooperation to strengthen the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and other international disarmament and non-proliferation regimes.

3. The two sides also discussed challenges to the disarmament and non-proliferation regime posed by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). In particular, the ROK and Australia expressed their willingness to work together for the success of the 2nd Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) Summit scheduled to take place in September 2024 in Seoul.

4. At the 2nd Space Policy Dialogue, the two sides shared their views on threats in outer space and explored how to improve space cooperation, including the development of international space security norms and the engagement with both public and private sectors. The ROK also introduced its planned establishment of the Korea AeroSpace Administration (KASA) this year, along with the government’s policies and efforts to address increasing security and strategic importance of outer space.

5. The two sides confirmed that both dialogues, which were held in two years, serve as a good example of the development of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the ROK and Australia and agreed to continue expanding their bilateral engagements in this field.