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Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan

  • ​Overview

      • Establishment of Diplomatic Relations : January 28, 1992
      • Bilateral Trade(2023, KITA) : $ 5.6 billion
        • Exports : $ 2 billion
        • Imports : $ 3.6 billion
      • The ROK's Investment in Kazakhstan(~2023) : 4.265 billion (Largest Investment in Central Asia)
      • Number of Koreans living in Kazakhstan(2023) : 1,588
      • Number of Ethnic Koreans living in Kazakhstan(2018) : 119,542
      • High-level Exchanges
        • From the ROK to Kazakhstan
          • 1992   July Minister of Foreign Affairs Lee Sang-ok
          • 2000   June President of the Constitutional Court of Korea Kim Yong-joon
          • 2000   September Chief Justice Choi Jong-young
          • 2002   November Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy Shin Gook-hwan
          • 2004   March Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy Lee Hee-bum
          • 2004   July President of Unification, Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee Lim Chae-jung
          • 2004   September President Roh Moo-hyun
          • 2005   January The Chairperson of the Board of Audit and Inspection Jun Yoon-chul
          • 2005   August President of the Constitutional Court of Korea Yoon Young-chul
          • 2005   October Chairperson of the National Assembly Kim Won-ki
          • 2006   January Special Envoy of the President Oh Young-kyo
          • 2006   March President of Unification, Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee Lim Chae-jung
          • 2006   September Prime Minister Han Myung-sook
          • 2007   March President of the Constitutional Court of Korea Kim Won-ung
          • 2007   March Miniser of Education Kim Shin-il
          • 2007   August Minister of Labor Lee Sang-soo
          • 2008   March Minister of Prime minister's office Cho Joong-pyo
          • 2008   May Prime Miniser Han Seung-soo
          • 2008   July Special Envoy of the President Lee Youn-ho
          • 2008   August Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly Lee Yun-seong
          • 2008   October Minister of Foreign Affairs Yu Myung-Hwan
          • 2009   May President Lee Myung-bak
          • 2009   August Presidential Special Envoy Ahn Sang-soo
          • 2010   October Minister of Environment Lee Man-ui
          • 2010   October Minister of Knowledge Economy Choi Kyung-hwan
          • 2010   December Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Kim Seong-hwan
          • 2011   January Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Jeong Byeong-kuk
          • 2011   May Minister of Strategy and Finance Yoon Jeung-hyun
          • 2011   August President Lee Myung-bak
          • 2012   September President Lee Myung-bak
          • 2014   June President Park Geun-hye
          • 2017   April Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Lee Joon-sik
          • 2017   March Speaker of the National Assembly Chung Sye-kyun
          • 2018   April Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Kyung-wha
          • 2018   May Chairman of the Presidential committee in Northern Economic Cooperation Song Young-gil
          • 2019   January Minister of Justice Park Sang-ki
          • 2019   March Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Sung Yun-mo
          • 2019   April President Moon Jae-in
          • 2019   September Speaker of the National Assembly Moon Hee-sang
          • 2019   October Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Kyung-wha
          • 2019   October Minister of Foreign Affairs Chung Eui-yong
        • From Kazakhstan to the ROK
          • 1995   May President Nursultan Nazarbayev
          • 2001   August Chairman of Senate of Kazakhstan Abdykarimov
          • 2002   April Chairman of the Majilis Tuyakbai
          • 2002   September Minister of Department of Trade and Industry Esenbaev
          • 2002   October Minister of Foreign Affairs Tokaev
          • 2003   March Deputy of Foreign National Defense S. Omarov
          • 2003   November President Nursultan Nazarbayev
          • 2004   May The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Mami
          • 2004   July Chairman of Senate of Kazakhstan Abikaev
          • 2005   April Minister of Energy and Mineral Shkolnik
          • 2005   May Minister of Economic Budget Planning Kelimbetov
          • 2005   December Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Shakirof
          • 2006   March Deputy Minister of Education Uteulina
          • 2006   March Chairman of Senate of Kazakhstan Abikaev
          • 2006   April May or of Astana Shukeev
          • 2006   December Chairman of the Majilis Muhamedzanov
          • 2008   February Deputy Prime Minister Shukeev
          • 2010   March Deputy Prime Minister Isekeshev
          • 2010   April President Nursultan Nazarbayev
          • 2012   March President Nursultan Nazarbayev
          • 2012   May Deputy Prime Minister Kelimbetov
          • 2013   February Deputy Prime Minister Sagyntaev
          • 2013   December Prime Minister Akhmetov
          • 2016   November President Nursultan Nazarbayev
          • 2017   June Chairman of the Majilis Nigimatulin
          • 2018   November Excutive Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kosherbayev
          • 2019   March Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development Sklyar
          • 2019   July Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry Zhumagaliyev
          • 2019   August Minister of Justice Beketaev
          • 2019   Setember Minister of Foreign Affairs Atamkulov
          • 2021   Telephone Conversation betweeon Foreign Ministers of Korea and Kazakhstan
          • 2021   President Moon Jae-in at Korea-Kazakhstan Summit
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