E-7 (Foreign National of Special Ability) Visa
(Internship for Finnish Embassy or Business Finland)
Reservations are required by ONLINE - Consular Services 24 (consul.mofa.go.kr) before visiting.
→ Information about Online booking system for the Consular Services (click)
o Please read carefully regarding quarantine issue via our website below in Rep. of Korea (This issue is not required for applying the visa, but there are several things to do before entering to Korea.)
- Quarantine Information for All Travelers to Rep. of Korea (click)
o We do not reply visa documents details by email. Please take a look carefully as below to prepare visa documents.
o Visa issuance will be taken 3~4 weeks from the application date when you submit all requirements.
o The visa can be provided as a single Visa ONLY.
o No refund and submitted documents will not be returned.
- You are eligible to apply for a E-7 Foreign National of Special Ability visa if you are :
· A persons who want to engage in activities specially designated by the Minister of Justice after being invited by a public or private organization.
· An administrative officers (limited to citizens of their countries only) employed by a diplomatic mission in Korea (Finnish Embassy, Business Finland, etc.) / period of stay: 1 year or less*, single-entry** visa valid for 3 months: administrative officers of a special organization.
* Even if the period of contract is 2 years, a visa in which the period of sojourn is 1 year will be issued only.
** With this visa, the visa holder should apply residence card at the local Immigration office in Korea. With the Residence Card, foreigners may travel overseas during their stay in Korea and return to Korea within valid sojourn period (multiple entry available).
· Administrative and functional officers, who are employed by diplomatic missions in Korea, foreign cultural centers in Korea, foreign chambers of commerce in Korea and who are also citizens of a country that they are working for, are eligible to apply.
- If a citizen of a third country is hired as an administrative or functional officer, then he/she must obtain an approval from the Minister of justice or must submit a confirmation of visa issuance (CVI).
※ List of Mandatory Required documents for E-7 Visa applicant
1. Visa Application Form : fill out e-Form (Electronic Visa Application)
via VISA PORTAL website (https://visa.go.kr/openPage.do?MENU_ID=10204)
- MUST PRINT OUT the e-Form (with a bar code) and FILL OUT applicant's FULL NAME & SIGNATURE on last page
→ Visiting our Embassy is required regardless of whether or not you filled out the e-Form.
2. A color passport photo
- Do not print by yourself, 3.5 x 4.5 cm, taken within the last 6 months - front view against white or off-white background
- If you uploaded your photo in the e-Form, you don't need to submit a physical one.
3. Original and a photocopy of Passport (should be valid at least 6 months)
4. Original and a photocopy of residence permit card (If you are other nationality living in Finland/Estonia)
- It may require to show (available) staying period in Finland/Estonia more than 2 years depending on your nationality.
5. Visa application fee : (from 1 JULY 2023) 54.00 EUR (cash only, it might be changed depending on your nationality.)
6. Official documents from a foreign diplomatic mission in Korea requesting for cooperation (MUST be mentioned Contract Period)
7. Employment contract
8. Documents proving the level of your education or career (e.g. student certificate, diploma, work certificate)
We do not check any details of visa documents by call or email.
But if you have some questions even though you reviewed the related information above,
please send us by email (korembfi@mofa.go.kr).