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Consular/Visa Service

Visa Information

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Notice ★(After application) Visa Status Check & How to get VISA GRANT NOTICE (Visa Paper)


Visa Status Check & How to get VISA GRANT NOTICE (Visa Paper)

○ On the paper there is 'Validity period of visa' that will be usually 3 months from visa issuance date. It means you can enter to Rep. of Korea until validity period of visa aboveAfter entry to Rep. of Korea, you can stay within 'Period of Stay' described on the paper from actual entry datePlease do not ask for your visa status or visa issuance schedule to our Embassy.

You can check your visa processing status online at your convenience. You will not receive emails or phone calls on the status of your visa processing nor to confirm your visa has been issued.

Visa issuance will be taken 3~4 weeks from visa application date - submission of ALL documents. Through visa screening, it might be requested you to submit additional documents or rejected to issue the visa. 

You will be advised at the time of your application the date your visa is estimated to be issued. On or after this estimated date, please check your visa status via VISA PORTAL website (www.visa.go.kr).

If your visa application was urgent (e.g. death in the family or family critically ill, etc.) you would have been given instructions at the time of application the approximate (expedited) processing time to check the status.

When you apply visa at our Embassy, your original passport will be returned to you on the spot. This means you do not need to come back to pick-up your passport and visa also. You can print out your Visa by yourself after approval.

You don't have to visit our Embassy for pick-up your visa, but it is STILL mandatory to visit our Embassy for applying the visa.

To check Visa Status & How to get VISA GRANT NOTICE (Visa Paper)

[1. Visit VISA PORTAL website ( www.visa.go.kr ) → Click 'Check Application Status & Print' menu]


[2. Enter your Passport Number, Name in English and Date of Birth → Click the 'Search' button]

- Type of applications should be selected on 'Diplomatic office'.

- Enter name in English FAMILY NAME (LAST NAME, SURNAME) first followed by GIVEN NAME(S) (FIRST NAME(S) and MIDDLE NAME(S)) as it appears on YOUR PASSPORT with no commas or dashes in between (if applicable, Ä → AE / Ö  → OE / Å → AA). If there is a space or dash in your first and/or last names, please replace them with space(s).

* Example

- Family name (Last name, Surname) : MÄKINEN

- Given name(s) (First name(s) and Middle name(s)) : PIRKKO-LIISA




[3. If your visa application is approved, the 'Certificate' button will be activated → Click the 'Certificate' button and print out the 'Visa Grant Notice']

The Visa Grant Notice is valid both in color as well as black and white.





○ On the paper there is 'Validity period of visa' that will be usually 3 months from visa issuance date. It means you can enter to Rep. of Korea until validity period of visa aboveAfter entry to Rep. of Korea, you can stay within 'Period of Stay' described on the paper from actual entry date.

○ The document is used mainly to prove one’s visa status and must be presented to immigration officers during immigration clearance at the airport.

​○ It is essential to go to a Korean overseas diplomatic mission to report any passport changes and have a visa re-issued. Without up-to-date information, your Visa Grant Notice is no longer fully valid, and you may be denied entry into Korea.

​○ The holder of this document may use it as an official proof to verify the issuance of the visa, even without a photo on it.

​○ You can check your visa processing status online at your convenience. You will not receive emails or phone calls on the status of your visa processing nor to confirm your visa has been issued. Please do not ask for your visa status or visa issuance schedule to our Embassy.

​○ If you don't bring the completed e-Form or there is any needed something for registration on our system, we would still have to take your passport and you would then later come back to pick up your passport.
