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글 제목 앞에 자물쇠 표시가 있는 것은 민원인이 비공개로 질의하고 답변을 수령한 글로 글쓴이 외에 이용자가 열람하실 수 없습니다. 그리고 글 등재 시 개인정보(주민번호, 여권번호 등)가 포함되면 글자가 깨져보이고 등재가 되지 않으니 이 점 참고해 이용바랍니다.

[ 답변완료 ]첨부


서부아프리카위원회(Organisation of West African Commission)는 존재하지 않은 기관입니다. 따라서 상기기관에서 제안한 의료기기 수입제의는 신빙성이 없음을 알려 드립니다.

주가나 한국대사관


안녕하세요. 저희는 의료기기를 취급을 하는 한국의 업체입니다. 하기와 같은 메일을 토고에서 받았는데,.. 실존여부를 확인을 부탁을 드리고자 합니다. 감사합니다. 최경진배상 Dear Mr Jin Choi, Thank you for your kind message,offers and the continues keen interest to enter into a long term business relationship with our company.We can contunally assure you that with your maximum cooperation,the sky is going to be our limit to achive a prosperous relationship. Nevertheless, we have contacted one company and they said that their capability can not satisfy the supply of the contract, therefore we decided to reach you. But our company do not know if you can be in a better position to handle and execute this contract with us as there are other companies who are also debating to win the order but we are very much sure to win the offer due to our little close relationship with a distinguished personality in the contract awarding/ procurement committee. The name of our company as you know is Sunrise International Company.We are a commission agent company established since 1990 and I Mr.EKE JAMES is the executive director.We are having 2 other directors and over 15 workers from all other of our branches throughout West africa.Our operational head office is at:- Sunrise Interantional Trading Company (Sunrise Building) 27 Rue De L'Eglise B.P 3399, Lome-Togo Tel:00228/9202983, Fax:00228/2229468 In regard to transaction on hand, we are pleased to bring to your kind knowledge that there is a contract order supply of (Medical Instruments) of which we have been pursuing the contract for the past 3 months now and presently the pursuance is positively on progress. Our company was mandated by the Organisation of West African Commission(OWAC) to source for a reliable company to execute the contract of supplying (Medical Instruments) that is going to be used to distibute in the whole of 16 West African Countries especially the rural areas.You company name and address as we have told you was made avaliable to us by a classified directory made avaliable to us by the Togo Chamber of Commerce and this compelled us to contact you.This is going to be a running contract of two(2)years for the sum of only and this organisation is ready to pay to you a deposit of 70% of this whole contract sum to mobilise you to be able to execute this contract,while the 30% balance will be paid to you in the course of executing the contract.Our commission from you for connecting you in this contract is only 1% of the total contract value payable to us immediately the whole contract sum has been paid to you confirm acceptance.If your company is willing and able to execute this contract in good faith we now want you to confirm by sending us a letter stating your company's willingness and ability to execute this contract to enable us attatch it with your pricelist and forward it to the committee of the board of the contract award committee for thier scrutiny and approval. Thanking you and waiting to hear from you. Sunrise Interantional Trading Company (Sunrise Building) 27 Rue De L'Eglise B.P 3399, Lome-Togo Tel:00228/9202983, Fax:00228/2229468 Best regards, EKE JAMES/Executive director You can phone me on 00228/9202983 for further discussions
* 답변 완료의 경우, 삭제가 불가합니다. 목록