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Suspension of short-term visa validity, visa-free entry and visa waiver programs (including Hong Kong & Macau, From 13 April)


The validity of short-term visas, as well as visa-free entry and visa waiver programs will be temporarily suspended in order to reduce the visitor inflows via strengthening the entry restrictions and requirements for visa issuance.

1. Temporary suspension of valid short-term visas

The validity of all short-term visas(stays of up to 90 days) issued by 5 April 2020 from embassies and consulates of the ROK, is to be temporarily suspended.

▶ The short-term and multiple entry visas for the purpose of short stay issued before 5 April 2020 are to be suspended, and holders of such visas are to re-apply (The visa fee is to be exempted in case of reapplication).

Nevertheless, C-4 type visas and long-term visas (work, investment etc.), the high talents invited by the employer in Korea are to be exempted from suspension of validity, thus able to enter with the visa issued beforehand.

Also, the foreigners of short-term stays who have already entered Korea are eligible to stay for the length of stays given at the time of entry.

❍ In case of attempting to enter with invalid visas, the Department of Justice will automatically disable the issuance of fight tickets through the ‘Incoming Passenger Card (IPC)’ system, and the airlines/carriers will restrict from boarding at the stage of issuing the flight tickets. Also, the immigration officer is to inspect once again at the stage of immigration clearance.

2. Restrict visa waiver programs and visa-free entry for countries imposing entry bans on Koreans on reciprocal basis

❍ Among the countries/regions(total of 148) imposing entry bans on Koreans, visa-free entry and visa waiver measures are to be temporarily suspended for the countries/regions(total of 90) which holds visa waiver treaties with the ROK government and runs visa-free entry programs permitted by the ROK government.

Therefore, the passport holders of those countries/regions(total of 90 should obtain visas from the embassies/consulates of ROK in order to enter Korea.

Nevertheless, the holders of diplomat or official passport holders, flight attendants on board for flights to Korea and businessmen holding ABTC are to be exempted from the requirement of visas.

❍ In case of attempting to enter with invalid visas, the Department of Justice will automatically disable the issuance of fight tickets through the ‘Incoming Passenger Card (IPC)’ system, and the airlines/carriers will restrict from boarding at the stage of issuing the flight tickets. Also, the immigration officer is to inspect once again at the stage of immigration clearance.

3. Strict examination of visa applications for all visa applicants

❍ Foreigners, including those whose visa was made invalid through the above measure, applying for all types of visas must submit medical diagnosis obtained from medical institutions.

All visa applicants are required to submit a medical diagnosis stating the health state, diagnosed from medical institutions within 48 hours of application date.

▶ The medical diagnosis must state whether the patient has relevant symptoms to COVID-19 such as fever, cough, cold, headache, body aches and pneumonia. In case of diagnosis showing abnormal symptoms will be restricted from issuance of visas.

❍ Furthermore, all embassies/consulates will carry out sufficient examination upon the application of visa, such as health check interviews before permitting the issuance of visas.

Nevertheless, for the purpose of diplomacy and government affairs, necessary business activities such as investment and technology transfer, families of Korean nationals and people with emergency and humanitarian reasons, visas will be issued swiftly based on considerations by the Consul General.

□ The above measures are to be effective from 00:00am on Monday, 13th of April, 2020 (local time).

​* Please find the enclosed list of countries/regions to be affected from the above measures.
