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Consular/Visa Service

Visa Issuance

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공지 [2022-08] Visa Application Procedure / 簽證申請流程

주 홍콩 총영사관

Visa Application Procedure

(Updated on 2024.04.15)

(Please READ CAREFULLY from Top to Bottom)

How to apply and receive an entry to Korea in Hong Kong

(1) Prepare the required documents for application

Check the eligibility and prepare the required documents according to the entry purpose.

※ Official website of Korean Consulate in Hong Kong : 

https://hkg.mofa.go.kr → Consular/Visa Service → Document list for each type of visa 

or https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/hk-en/brd/m_24976/list.do

(2) Online application form (e-Form)

Fill out the online e-Form (application form) and print it out on A4 sized paper (can be double-side printed) in 100% ratio, for the application submission.

The printout of a correctly filled up e-Form should be with at least 6 pages.

The e-form should be filled out in English or Korean(Chinese is not acceptable) 

Please note that the online submission of the e-Form DOES NOT mean the application is accepted and being processed.

Please review the user manual before filling out the e-form : 


※ Official website for e-Form: 


or  www.visa.go.kr → Application → e-Form (Visa)

(3) Online reservation

Make an online reservation under applicant’s name (English name as shown on passport) before visiting the consulate for submitting the application.

Walk-in applications will NOT be accepted.

Reservations CANNOT be made via email or phone call.

Please review the user guide before making the reservation: 


* Please login as a non-member.  It is not necessary to sign up for the reservation of visa application submission.

※ Official website for online reservation : 

https://www.g4k.go.kr/en/main.do → Reservation to visit a diplomatic mission

(4) Authorization for application


Applicants can authorize someone to hand in the application on behalf.  

To do so, the following additional documents should be prepared and submit along with the required documents according to part (1) above.

Download, fill out and sign the authorization documents. Link for download : 


Note :

1. Sign the print out of e-Form and the authorization documents with the same signature format as shown on passport.  

2. Re-confirm all items shown on the print-out of the e-Form had been filled up properly (without missing any part).

3. Application will not be accepted if the form/documents were not filled up and signed properly.


(5) Application submission

Visit the consulate for the application submission within the reserved time slot.

When visiting the consulate, the following documents MUST be presented:

a. The print-out of Reservation Confirmation.

b. The print-out of e-Form.

c. Passport in original

d. The required documents according to the visa type that intended to apply for (as part (1) above).

e. One colored passport photo (sized 3.5 x 4.5 cm in white colored background).

f. Application fee must be paid in HKD cash.


(6) Application process

When the application is accepted, the passport will be kept with the consulate until there is a result; and a receipt will be issued.   

In general, it takes at least 7 working days to process (the submission date, Sat, Sun and public holidays are excluded). 

※ At least 25 working days for F-series visas (F-1 / F-2 / F-3 / F-4 / F-6) and domestic helper visas (C3)

Additional documents will be requested if necessary and it may take longer to process.  

The processing period will be different to certain specified visa types.  

Please refer to the document list of individual visa types for details.

The application result and collection date will be informed by SMS message via mobile phone when the procedure is completed.

Before receiving notice, the application status can be checked online on Korea Visa Portal website (https://www.visa.go.kr/openPage.do?MENU_ID=10301) with the applicant's personal information.

(7) Passport and visa collection

The passport can be collected either in person or by a representative with the ORIGINAL RECEIPT and collector’s ID card.  

No authorization letter is needed when collecting the passport by a representative.

No reservation is required for visa collection.



(更新: 2024.04.15)




(1) 申請所需材料

按照入境目的, 查看各類簽證的申請資格及所需材料: 

https://hkg.mofa.go.kr → Consular/Visa Service → Document list for each type of visa 

或 https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/hk-en/brd/m_24976/list.do

(2) 電子申請表 (e-Form)

填妥電子申請表(e-Form)及以原比例 (100%) 列印於A4紙上 (可雙面列印) 作提交申請用。

正確填寫的電子申請表於列印後最少有 6 頁


注意, 網上提交電子表格, 並不代表簽證申請已被受理。

填寫電子申請表前, 請參閱使用指引: 


※ 電子表格網頁 : 


或  www.visa.go.kr → 申請 → 電子表格(簽證申請書)

(3) 網上預約

前往領事館提交申請前, 需申請人護照上所示的英文姓名在網上預約時間到訪。

未有預約的申請, 不獲接受即場辦理

所有預約只能通過網站辦理, 電話或電郵預約概不接受。

預約前, 請參閱指引:  



※ 預約網站 : https://www.g4k.go.kr/en/main.do → Reservation to visit a diplomatic mission


(4) 授權他人代辦簽證

如申請人不便親自提交申請材料, 可授權他人代辦。 

授權時, 請準備以下的授權文件, 連同其他申請材料 (以上第(1)部份), 一併讓代辦人按照已預約的時段內到達領事館提交。 

下載, 填妥 及 簽署 授權文件。 

※ 下載連結 : https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/hk-en/brd/m_1507/view.do?seq=739199&page=1

注意 :

1. 請以統一的, 並與護照上顯示的簽署式樣, 簽妥各份文件 (包括電子表格的列印本)。

2. 請確定電子表格(列印本)上的所有欄目, 已經填妥, 並無遺留。

3. 未有填寫及簽署妥當的文件, 概不接受申請。


(5) 提交申請材料

到訪領事館提交申請時, 請按照已預約的時段內到達, 並需出示以下材料。其他時段將不能進入。

a. 預約確定書 (Reservation Confirmation) 的列印本

b. 電子表格 (e-Form) 的列印本

c. 護照正本

d. 擬申請的簽證種類的所需文件 (即以上第(1)部份)

e. 彩色證件照一張 (3.5 x 4.5 釐米, 純白色背景)

f. 簽證費用需以港幣現金支付

(6) 申請處理

當申請被接受, 護照正本需存放領事館直至審核完成, 申請人將獲發收據。

申請一般需時最少七個工作天處理(申請當天, 星期六, 日及公眾假期不包括在內)。 

※ 家庭傭工簽證(C3)及F系列簽證(F-1/F-2/F-3/F-4/F-6) 需要最少二十五個工作日


如被要求提供額外資料, 處理時間將會延長。   

個別簽證種類申請的所需處理時間或有不同, 詳情請留意相關簽證種類的材料清單。

申請結果及領取日期將於審核完成後, 以電話短訊發送至申請人手機。

在收到通知之前, 可以使用申請人的個人資料簽證門戶網站 (https://www.visa.go.kr/openPage.do?MENU_ID=10301) 在線查看申請狀況。

(7) 領取護照及簽證

申請人親自或委託他人領取護照時, 需出示收據正本及領取人的身份證。 

委託他人領取, 無須授權書。

領取時, 無須預約。

