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이란 정세 동향

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이란 외교부 대변인 정례 브리핑 발췌(2024.5.27.)

주 이란 대사관

ㅁ Appreciation for the participation of people in the funeral ceremony President and FM The prominent role of the president and the minister of foreign affairs in the development of relations with the world, There will be no break in Iran's support for Palestine and resistance movements, Iran pays attention to the statements of the king of Bahrain about relations, The crimes of the Zionist regime are the result of America's inhumane support, Continuation of exchange of messages between Iran and the American side for negotiations to lift sanctions, Iran's negotiating team is acting on the order of the highest officials of the regime on the issue of lifting sanctions, Common water issues between Iran and neighboring countries, etc.

ㅁ 상기 자료는 이란의 국내외 정세동향 관련 정보를 제공하고자 당 대사관 직원이 이란 현지언론 보도내용을 번역한 것으로, 당관의 입장과는 무관함을 알려드립니다. 동 자료를 필요에 따라 이용하시되 인용시에는 출처를 밝혀주시기 바랍니다.
