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라트비아 일일언론동향 (6.25)

주 라트비아 대사관


Newspaper Review

  • I.Politics

  • a.Logina to resume work as member of Riga City Council

  • b.52% of people in Latvia believe Europe is not dealing effectively with impact of violent conflicts on the EU

  • c.Foreign Minister to take part in EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg

  • d.EU Foreign Affairs Council adopts 14th EU sanctions package against Russia

  • e.Foreign Minister Braze calls for rapidly adopting sanctions against Belarus and agreeing on the next sanctions round against Russia at EU Foreign Affairs Council

  • II.Economics

  • a.25.4% more petroleum products exported from Latvia in first four months

  • III.Official Statement from MoFA, President of Latvia office, Cabinet of Ministers, Saeima

  • IV.Korea and Latvia Relations


  • V.North Korea

  • a.North Korea sends waste balloons again... 5th time this year

  • b.Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: “I will visit Kim Jong-un when all necessary conditions are met”

  • c.North Korea calls U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier entry into port "very dangerous prank... will demonstrate new deterrence”

  • d.North Korea's coastal gunboats open
